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Mark Caraher trip to Spain

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I have to say that we, my husband and I, were extremely pleased with Mark's visit. He spent a whole day working on a our machine, explaining everything he did and waiting paitently for me to translate everything he said ,the "best" I could, to my husband.

On top of that, we didn't want him to return to the US without having a glimpse of Spain so we showed him around and even showed him where one of the scenes of the episode 1 of the Star Wars was filmed.

I wanted to show a photo that he took from my husband and I with our "Nicoletta"

Best wishes,


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Hello Christy! Where have you been hiding? I'm so glad you were able to spend time with Mark and learn more about your machine. That is always a good thing! How is your son? And where did you find a husband with an interest in your quilting! It sounds like he'll be able to help you when Nicoletta gets picky about what she wants to do. That's great, I'm happy for you all!

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It is exciting to see that quilting is on the rise in Spain. My husband and I and our four sons lived in Spain from 1994-1996. We were in Santiago de la Ribera, just south of Murcia, while he was an exchange officer at the Spanish Air Force Academy. We were a stones throw from the Mar Menor. We all loved our time there.

The closest American base was in Rota, 8 hours away. Sevilla was our first trip with some Spanish friends that lived in Cartagena.

I taught one of the wives of a professor that worked with my husband to quilt. She loved it. It was hard to find supplies there but I was able to order from Keepsake quilting.

I believe that I saw your UTube video. It was fun to watch!

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We had a very good time. Mark adores any kind of food except mussels. He made sure everything was OK before he left.

Kenna, I have been quite busy in the last few months and have felt blue every once in a while. Although I haven't suffered the recession yet I see a lot of people losing their jobs every day and that makes me feel that I am fortunate but at the same time, I feel that we have to be very careful these days about what decissions we make. Apart from that, as many of you know, my son has Asperger's syndrome and that makes our lives a bit difficult some days. Its just that.

Jane, we live 1.5 hours drive from Rota and actually, my parents own an appartment there. I like going there, especially in spring. Although we go in the summer as well, we prefer spring since summer is quite busy.

Patchwork in Spain has experienced a boom in the last few years and now you can find a patchwork shop in most cities in Spain.

If anyone wants to see any of my boring videos (they were intended for my Spanish customers, just for them to see what I do, they are very basics. My address in youtube is:


I also have a blog


Bes wishes

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Hola Cristy! :)

I checked out your utube videos, and even though these are en Español, I understood what you were saying through your actions at the machine.

Quilting is a universal language!!

Did your husband operate the video camera as you spoke? He does a great job! Most people move the camera around too quickly and don't pan in or out. I really enjoyed watching you work!

How did your "Troublesome Quilt" finish? Is it OK? Did you tuck in the fullness and quilt over this? I would like to see photos of finished quilting. :)

OK And what is the design on your apron? It looks like superwoman jumping into the air. Are you superwoman? ;) I think your husband and your son would agree.

Good to see you again.

Su amiga de Alaska,


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Dear Shana,

Those videos are extremely basic. There werent meant for other longarmers. My husband and I thought that it could be quite a funny way to advertise ourselves. You see, patchwork piecers in Spain are not familiar with machine quilting and most of them dont speak any English at all. So, what a better way to advertise us than letting them "get" into our studio and be able to see what we do.

Those videos have been recorded by my husband on digital photo camera. Now we have videocamera and the last videos we have recorded look better.

This is a link to the "trouble quilt": http://cristy-entrealgodones.blogspot.com/2008/12/mis-ltimos-trabajos.html

The customer was delighted with the result.

The apron is from MQX. I bought it last year during the conference and I love using it while I am working. I feel I need to wear something that reminds me that I am a quilter. Not just my ordinary clothes. I find it very convenient so my clothes stay safe from pins, etc.

I can take a picture of it if you like. Ask Janet Lee Sausetonio if you want one. I believe she has ordered quite a few more since the members of the MQP list saw me in the videos, jejeje.

By the way, thank you very much for your words in Spanish. Especially the word "español". I wonder how you wrote the letter Ñ.

Best wishes,

Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Hola Cristy! :)

I checked out your utube videos, and even though these are en Español, I understood what you were saying through your actions at the machine.

Quilting is a universal language!!

Did your husband operate the video camera as you spoke? He does a great job! Most people move the camera around too quickly and don't pan in or out. I really enjoyed watching you work!

How did your "Troublesome Quilt" finish? Is it OK? Did you tuck in the fullness and quilt over this? I would like to see photos of finished quilting. :)

OK And what is the design on your apron? It looks like superwoman jumping into the air. Are you superwoman? ;) I think your husband and your son would agree.

Good to see you again.

Su amiga de Alaska,


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Originally posted by cristina68

.......By the way, thank you very much for your words in Spanish. Especially the word "español". I wonder how you wrote the letter Ñ.

Best wishes,

Ahh yes, Ñ to get the Ñ I did a Google search and typed the word "Espanol" without the ñ and copy pasted it here. I love Google!! :) Google is my BFF. :D

PS I just looked at all of your blog photos and Cristy, your quilting is spectacular. You are the quilting queen of Spain! Great job. Do you have the compuquilter or computerized system, too? All of it is very lovely. I love the computerized quilting combined with freehand.

And I was drooling at your photos of the quilts at MQX. Oh that is eye candy!!! So many beautiful quilts. And Cathy Franks with the bra and matching robe ... she is so funny! :P I love to see the sense of humor in quilters and in quilting. Lot of fun and laughter.

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