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Zippered Leaders

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For those of you with zippers on your leaders, when you load your quilt backing do you pin to the zippers or baste to them with your DSM. If you baste, do you pin first or do you just use your walking foot and stitch?

I currently use my walking foot and pin before I baste? Overkill???

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I use the dsm to baste the backing onto the leaders.. don't pin, but I do make sure it's straight across, the backing, before I do anything. (am sure you do too.. don't mean to sound like I think others are dummies..)

I use a real cheap thread too.. not Talon though, and then I can rip or frog the basting off real quick.

If I had to pin I'd still be putting the first quilt on the machine from 14 months ago. :P


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Okay, this is weird...either that or I've lost my mind:o

I looked at this a bit ago and there was a message from Shana. Now its gone????

Anyway...Shana, I remember the gros grain ribbon and bought some the last time I went to town and attached it to the zippers. However, I never thought of actually using the longarm to sew the backing onto the ribbon...can you say, "duh"? Anyway, I'm going to give that a try next time.

Manda I've stuck myself more times than I'd care to count. I'm just glad that I never got blood on any of my quilts!

Rita, basting on the DSM with cheap thread...another "duh" moment for me. I usually just use what's on there and its usually my piecing thread which really isn't cheap!

Thanks for the help ... I can always count on you guys!!

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I attach with a stapler...Yup staples. Somebody mentioned it on the board a while ago and I thought what the heck. I bought a florist stapler at Staples. I turned the base plate on the stapler so that the staples fold out and not in. I make sure to put the flat side of the staple next to the ribbon. I also got one of those staple removers that looks like a pencil. Here are the links to what I have, pictures are always better! I love using the staples and it has never ruined a quilt or backing. I do a partial float so I use staples on the top too.



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I have an old singer (620) that does a chainstitch. I chain the backing to the leaders w/the fabric on the bottom and start from the middle point and work outward. All it takes is one pull on the thread to release the stitching. I, too, suffered from too many pin pricks and scratches to put up w/pinning. I don't think my hands could take all of the stapling and pulling staples. Too much stiffness going on there!!!

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Thanks for the reminder Marie,

I need to get my chainstitcher back together. I have an old treadle Wilcox and Gibbs. I sold it last year. I spent two days packing her up for shipping, hauled the wayyyy huge box 76 miles to the city and then the buyer "changed her mind"! I was so angry I left it packed, for 1 whole year now. LOL. Anyway, now I will keep it and use it. God works in mysterious ways huh?

One comment on staples: I use them too sometimes. I found that the staples on the panto side of the machine caught on the bed of my machine and I had to unroll the quilt and pin it. Be careful. Give yourself a lot of lead room. They need to be rolled up before you start moving the machine around. With the staples folding out they can also prick your fingers. Ask me how I know that. Pins lay flatter than staples. Staples are a lot faster than pinning. Choices.

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For whatever reason I've only stuck myself once with the staples, thankfully! LOL pins are just dangerous for my fingers! I stick myself or other parts of my body all the time! LOL On the staples getting caught - yes I know what you are referring to. To resolve that problem I make sure the seam (formed with the ribbon and backing) is facing up that way the bottom is smooth. We are so lucky to have so many choices. I would love a chain stitch machine but just not in my future right now unless I find a really good deal. I'm sure hubby will be thrilled to see me bring in another machine!

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I stapeled...but have stopped and I can't remember why :o Dang that pre-menopause!!:mad:

I have been using my Willcox and Gibb machine to chainstitch the quilt to the zippers, but it has stopped...I think the motor is kaput...so I will be basting with my domestic.

The whole reason for me getting zippers was to get away from the pins that kept tearing my hands up....you all know how I am ;)

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I don't like to pin...it takes too long. I'm going to try basting my next quilt on with the DSM going from the middle out without pinning the whole thing to my ribbon first.

I'm seriously considering the staple idea; I just think it has great potential and should be relatively fast.

I just ordered a timer so I can see how much I make/owe my client per quilt. That should be interesting. My DH is working on hats (he embroiders) this morning and figures he should be charging $11/hat and with this design, he can do 4 in an hour. Not bad...but he's only charging them $8 :( Good thing this isn't our only income:D

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Okay, this is weird...either that or I've lost my mind:o

I looked at this a bit ago and there was a message from Shana. Now its gone????

Anyway...Shana, I remember the gros grain ribbon and bought some the last time I went to town and attached it to the zippers. However, I never thought of actually using the longarm to sew the backing onto the ribbon...can you say, "duh"? Anyway, I'm going to give that a try next time.

No you haven't lost your mind! :P I deleted the post because I wasn't sure it was a good idea to pin and then baste with the machine... Sure, you can do this method, or use the staples, too. Many ways to get the result you want. :) Happy quilting!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried basting with the DSM but like Angela said, it took too long to remove all the basting stitches. I bought an old Singer Touch & Sew with the chain stitch attachment but I haven't even tried it yet. I can pin pretty darn fast and I rarely poke myself. *knocks on wood* I love the zippers for the convenience of switching from one quilt to another.

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I have two sets of the 126 inch zippers to which I attached strips of muslin and also a strip of velcro. On the pickup leader I just stitched the backing zipper directly. I stitched the hook side of the velcro to the top leader and the bottom backing leader. The fuzzy side is attached to a strip of muslin which has the other part of the zippers on it. I use a serger with just the chain stitch to attach my backing to the muslin with the zipper for both top and bottom of the backing. Then I also use the zipper for the top the same way. I just need a few safety pins to hold the top after putting in the fluff or batting in between. I have been doing this ever since I bought the Millenium and got stuck with straight pins. I think the zippers cost $75.00 but were worth it. By using velcro I can adjust the bottom backing and the top fabric so they are even and straight.

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I don't have zippers, yet, but have an idea (novel I know!). For those who staple and are afraid of getting stuck by the staples...how about tape? After you staple to the zippers, use a length of either masking or the blue painters tape to cover the sharpies that can catch you...I've started using tape over my pins.

I won't go into gory details as to why, just sufice it to say that my finger is still having problems after over three weeks of infection...but it is getting better. (Hubby says I should soak my oins in alcohol!)


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