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6"ergo aapplique scissors

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I have tried everywhere on the internet to find these scissors and each site says out of stock. Can anybody tell me where they have them in stock?. Or if you have an extra pair you want to sell could you contact me by U2U. These are the applique scissors Sharon Scrambler uses. Here is the item info, 6 inch Embroidery Scissors #88654-6 .Thanks.


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Originally posted by anita

I put "Embroidery Scissors #88654-6" in Google search and had good results.


don't know if the url of the results works for you...if not, try the same.



I went to one of the sites on this google search, maybe the 3rd down don't remember but don't use it! It tried to download something and my antivirus software caught it thank goodness. It is called a JS Downloader! Beware!!!!!

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Here is what Symantec has for a definition for the JS downloader! Beware. I'm so glad my software caught it!

Discovered: October 27, 2003

Updated: December 18, 2008 4:28:42 PM

Also Known As: JS.Downloader.Trojan [symantec]

Type: Trojan

Systems Affected: Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows Vista, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000

JS.Downloader is a Trojan Horse that downloads malicious files from Web sites and executes them.

Note: Virus definitions dated December 18, 2008 or earlier detect this threat as JS.Downloader.Trojan.

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Kreacher, those are the ones I was thinking of! :) I have these for clipping trapunto batting. I bought them from Sharon Schamber's booth at MQS last year. I really like them. Super sharp and easy to control/handle (I only snipped one teenie weenie hole in my top which is very good, I consider, because it was my very first wholecloth (white) trapunto quilt :)


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I'm well protected at work and home...I work in network admin for R&D...so I've seen the results. Wow...I do alot of google searches and rarely encounter anything worse than porn (as if that isn't bad enough). Who would think a search for scissors for goodness sakes.


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I had the same thing happen a couple of months ago and I was looking for embroidery thread! That one wasn't caught in the newest definitions and I was not a happy camper! This one started downloading super quick and all kinds of warnings started flashing but it wouldn't let me stop it. I ended up turning the computer off. Yup risked a crash of my hard drive doing that but it was better than letting it download! Just so darn frustrating that such smart people have to spend their time creating havoc!

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Heidi - One thing you can do quicker and less destructive than shutting off the computer is removing the ethernet cable or if it's wireless, be very familiar with the hard button that turns off the wireless networking.

In the heat of the moment...it's hard to think rationally though. Ask how I know? :P

Makes you wonder what good things could come from people like that if their negative energy was diverted to something positive.


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