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Heidi...I got a tablet!!!

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I don't use a mouse at all. The Bamboo came with a wireless mouse that works only on the active area just like the pen. I don't even use that one.

I use the pen, or the touch pad on my laptop. The tablet stays plugged in all the time, unless I'm on the road and it's packed in the briefcase. I've actually sketched while riding in the car, on battery power, the tablet balancing on one knee, computer on the other knee, and pen in hand. :P

Great questions and answers on this thread. Are you getting excited about the possibilities?

Linda, I can load pictures in Auto Sketch and doodle on them, save them as jpg and do whatever with them. I'm not familiar with the other programs you mentioned, but it sounds similar. Paint works also and is quicker for me.

I'm not really computer literate as much as I'd like to be, and I know this device can do much more than I know how to do. AND there are always shortcuts and quicker ways to skin a quilt. Someday I'll learn them all--if I last that long.

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I have a similar tablet that is part of my embroidery software. It's also by Wacom and looks like the small one on the Apple site.

Since I'm a learn by error computer user I haven't had it out of the box except to look at it. Maybe I'll have to tey it out! I know my freind has one and uses it all the time.

Nancy Jo sure hope you find yours. BYW did I miss something about you moving..new house on the market?

Whats the story? Is it on the forum somewhere?

Well, where ever any of us are were only as far as our internet connection:P

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Yes, I have a love-the relationship with the internet. Since I still work full-time at my real job, I am gone from home from 5am to 5 or 6 pm. Consultations are done on the fly and using the internet.

The customer sent me a photo of the quilt. I sat in my home and drew the design and emailed it to her(along with about 7 more. Actually, now I remeber, that many photos clogged her email so I ended up putting the drawing on my blog for her to see. It saves an appointment but I'm not sure aboutit saving time. I made 3 internet drawings, 8 emails to one customer and 5 to another all in one day. So when do I get to quilt? Hmmmph. I told me DH that I need an agent. LOL.

So, like so many folks here have done, I am putting together a portfolio of drawings for potential customers to see. The tablet enables me to draw without using the mouse. It's just another tool to use.

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Just give it a try!

Put your customers photograph as a background in Pre-Design and make your design in Pre-Design.

I presume you are working in Photoshop Elements right now and draw in Elements as well. By the way the results look good and it shows you are familiar with this concept.

May I suggest to give it a try in Pre-Design and take the photograph of your customers quilt as a background image and trace it or draw your design in Pre-Design.

I think it will save time and it will be a start of a complete personalised design collection.

How often do you restart drawing when working on a design ?

How many designs do you offer your customers ?

Is there a re-use of previous drawn designs ?

Questions like these and others I have as I think you can easily build/keep a larger number of a variety of designs when working in Pre-Design than drawing in other programs as Pre-Design keeps the drawing in combination with the photograph but the drawing can be used in any other quilt and need not to be re-drawn.

In this way you can build a personal design collection which you can show to your customers.

We will be at MQS next month and I would be more than happy to share our thoughts with you.

All the best


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I just bought a bamboo fun tablet, finding it hard to use at the moment.

What program are you using it with, I have the corel painter essentral 4 and paint shop elements 5 do you

have any quick instruction, to get started with.

The programs seen hard

Thanks for your help, your drawings are great

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