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So much for the last quilt....

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I knew you wouldn't be able to quit that easily.

If you really want to slow the influx of work down, take an especially mouthy customer (I know, you don't have any of those...) and just ruin her quilt with a bunch of moronic, elementary stitching. She'll tell everybody about it and your troubles will be over!!

Doesn't that sound like a mrmargie fix?


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I like Teresa's way of thinking....that might work. IF not I'm sure that a bunch of us can really spread the word you are no longer doing this.... I have a nephew that lives in your area, bet he can help spread the word as well.

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Just your luck if you did a truly awful job of quilting on some loudmouth's quilt, she'd end up loving it and it would become known as "MaryBething"! You'd be famous and never get anything else done...

Then you'd have to find a partner and tour the world as the "Wild-er Women" :P


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Don't you have another new customer? She's not quite sure when the quilt will be done, but she is very demanding and has to have it quilted immediately, no matter who else is in line. You should expect to alternate her quilts with the other customers. One of hers and then a customer, one of hers....

Oh, I heard she is very chatty. Look in the mirror and meet your new customer!

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Now why is it so hard for some of us to say that one little word? It's only two letters...one syllable...easy to pronounce....but soooo hard to say. I agree with Sams Mom about that 'new customer' of yours. I think she could really keep you busy on all of her PIGS and UFOs. :)

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MB - Do you do mostly E2E or custom? Here's something I've been doing lately and it is helping to free up my time:

I have 2 waiting lists now. One for E2E quilts and one for custom quilts.

I have the first week of every month set aside only for E2E quilts. Then I can get them on the machine and start cranking them out one after another. I can easily crank out 5-7 quilts during the week. The other 3 weeks of the month is for 2-3 custom quilts and NO more than that. I've learned that lesson the hard way!! This is working great and is leaving me time to work on other things such as my japanese applique quilt. BTW - I've graduated from petting the fabric to working on the design. :D

When a customer calls and wants the quilt done fairly soon, I tell them that if I can do an E2E design it will get done 3-4 months faster. Otherwise they will need to get in line and wait for their turn on the custom list. Some of them will go ahead and wait, and other will go with an E2E design. I've converted some of my "custom" customers to "E2E" customers now because they get their quilt back faster. My customers are finding that the like the E2E designs as much or more than the custom designs. Some of them were referred to me by another quilter and they didn't know that an E2E design was even an option!! The custom quilts that I do have are now mostly for shows or some kind of special event. Now if a quilt is calling for custom quilting, I am not going to push a customer into doing an E2E design.

And I am going to start scheduling my own quilts into my waiting list cuz I'm enjoying my new found freedom. You should do the same, just like Donna says. :D

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MaryBeth, I really know how to solve your problem. Since you want to cut way back and I want to start, why don't you give me your machine for a while. :P The drive to KC is only one day. I'd do all the packing, etc. Sound like a deal??? Give me one tiny signal and I'd be there by midnight!!! :D:D:D

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Originally posted by Mary Beth

Barb, hopefully I will be doing my own quilts someday and will need my machine. I don't want to drive a day to get to it....but Colorado sounds nice....I'll have to think about it ;)

Make her bring it back when your ready...easy peesey!!!:P

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