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The suspense is killing me

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I was a mess waiting for mine to ship and mine got to me quickly. I can't imagine waiting over 3 weeks! My husband would have put me out with the stir I would have caused. Just think, this has given you time to plan and gather for the "baby's" room. You will soooooo enjoy her when she arrives.

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I am feeling exactly the same the same. It is just over 4 weeks for me since Lennni was ordered. Lets hope they are both somewhere in transit.

Have you ordered any goodies to go with your Lenni yet ?.

I have ordered the RulerMate from Joanne at the http://www.yeoldeforest.com/

and the Jr Pattern Grid and a couple of Pantos from Bayside Quilting.

I would also like to get the Micro Drive handles. Boy this is going to be an expensive hobby :D:D:D:D:D

Of forgot I would also love to get the circle Lord. Michael gave me a price, but I have not dared to place the order yet, must keep some pennies for fabric.:P:P:P:P

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Not ordered anything yet!! DH wants me to await the arrival of Lenni before Ibuy anything, but that doesn't stop me window shopping. He is hoping that the small quilt shop that is stored in my den is going to get put to some use. He thinks that if I get anymore fabric I am going to cause subsidence at the rear of the house. I've run up a couple of practice tops which I can't wait to get playing on. I've loads of tops already made to go once I am proficient. That is one of the main reasons for getting the Lenni. There is already a line of ladies forming to come and wet Lennis head.

Hope to meet up with you at Birmingham.

Tracy G:D

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Tracy hope to meet up with you too.

Are you going to any of the functions. I have booked the tickets for the Quilters party on the Friday night. I was hoping to get to the FOQ early Friday afternoon, but now it looks like it wont be till nearer tea time.

On another note I was just talking to our UK APQS rep and he told me that the last machine took 9 weeks:(:(:(:(:( got stuck in customs or something over in the USA.

Pretty pretty please APQS dont make us wait to much longer :D


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That's a shame that you can't get there until Friday teatime. Maybe we could meet up Friday teatime because the the rest of the weekend I am going to be tied up as friends are coming to meet us in Birmingham.

Anyone else who's got an APQS machine is more than welcome to join us.

Disappointed to hear that the last machine took 9 weeks to get here. :( I won't be happy until Lenni is here. The rep mentioned something along those lines to me when I spoke to him. Have you had any confirmation that your machine has been ordered? I finally got a receipt last week for the payment.

Been busy window shopping. Was going to succumb and get some goodies but thank goodness I didn't as the car went in for a service this morning and it needs a new clutch and rear exhaust box.

Have been checking out some of the sights or accessories but the postage is nearly or more than the price of the item. Was planning a trip over the pond next year so will kill 2 birds with one stone!!!!


Tracy G

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Hi Tracy

Yes that should be a good time to meet up. Barring any traffic hold ups. I was going to come down by train ,but since my DD said she will come along, Amanda said she would drive.

I phoned up the rep today as he had not got back to me about the Micro-drive handles, so took the opportunity to ask if he had any news.

Yes I got my reciept, I ordered on Friday the 5th June and paid on that day too, so expected something in the post on Monday, so I phoned them when nothing showed, I think it was the Wednesday after when the receipt came.

I do get nervous when paying out such large somes of money :D

It would have been nice to get a confirmation direct from APQS, I am sort of tempted to email them and ask when they will dispatch. Got no patience :D. Like you I wont be happy until Lenni is here.

I also know what you mean about the postage, Most of the items I have bought from the USA like the quilting DVD's and books have not been to bad, It is when the customs decide to add there bit which makes it expensive. Sadly though there are just some things we cannot get in the UK.

Anyway lets hope they do not take much longer, fingers crossed.

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I also get nervous when paying out such large somes of money. Would have much preferred to pay a substantial deposit.

I had to contact them several times before I got my receipt.

I too thought that APQS might have sent us confirmation or at least some notification, but then again you don't know how the dealership is set up and that might be down to the local rep to organise that.

I don't know what is going to happen after August as the rep told me he will no longer be a dealer for APQS. Hope our Lennis arrive before then.

We are going by train to Birmingham as it is quite a good journey from Glasgow. As I do all the driving that wouldn't have been much fun for me, the other option was to fly but weight limit might be a problem!!!! This girl likes her creature comforts. Heaven help me when I go on holiday as my girlie stuff weighs as much as my luggage allowance.

I looked at the micro handles, I didn't think they fitted the Lenni as when I read the info on the APQS page Lenni wasn't mentioned.

Hopefully it won't be long before we are the proud owners of our new baby. It will be a drag then as I will only be able to play after work and at weekends.

Talking of work, gotta go and get some done :D.

Tracy G

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Hi Tracy

I do hope they fit, :) as I ordered them, Hopefully the UK rep would have told me if the did not fit, plus I think Rita has them on her Lenni.

BTW I have emailed APQS to see if they can give me a timescale for delivery as I hope to go away for a few days in August, and I definately dont want to be away when Lenni comes:D

Talking about creature comforts, I am terrible when I go away, I think I take just about everything except the kitchen sink:P, I wish I could take some lessons from my DD as she always manages to travel light.

On that note I am a little jealous as she and her DH are on there way to Croatia for there holidays, I went there last year as they got married there and it is really beautiful.

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Hi Tracy and Kath, yes the micro drive handles do work on the Lenni. I love them. Had a bit of time to get use to them, but now use them mostly just for tiny or real small close up work.. like pebbles, or outlining small parts, etc. Great for outlining embroidery projects, too.


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I sure hope your machine comes quickly and you both can get busy with your Lenni's. I will have had mine a year in August and have so enjoyed it. I cannot tell you how much money I have spent on tools and such because if I knew myself I would probably faint. It has been so worth it though, I have learned so much and learn more everyday. This is just the beginning of a wonderful love affair with your machines. Hope the husbands won't be jealous!! :cool:

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Why, oh why do we get so excited over a piece of machinery?? :o:P I don't know the answer to that or I wouldn't be freaking out everytime a big truck drives by my house! :P:P I'm waiting for my new Freedom to be delivered next Thursday or Friday. I don't know if I'd have the patience to wait as long as you do for something to be delivered overseas! I think I'd be making long distance calls at least every other day until it arrived. Give it a hug for me when it gets there and take a couple for yourself!1

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Hi Rita

Thanks for confirming that the Micro-drive does fit the Lenni, It is good to know they work well with pebbles and outline embroidery ect, When I try pebbles with my Pfaff on my shortarm frame , they are not to good at all.

Jeanne.... from what I heard today from my sales rep it might be another 3 weeks, they are going to be long weeks:( but the wait will be worth it in the end.

Sylvia.....Its good to hear you are having a great time with Lenni, I am sure I am going to feel the same way when he/she arrives. I have a feeling mine will be a she :D


Barb I dont know what the answer is too that.:D:D I know I would be totally lost without my machines nad my computer.

I often wonder I did before the internet came into my life:D:D:D

Congratulations on your new Freedom, I bet you are getting really excited with only a week to go. will we hear the shouts for joy over here in the UK :D:D:D:D

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Hey, Kath, I just spend the entire day helping Gloria G put together her new Freedom SR. I am beat and she is one happy camper. It is wonderful. I came home and walked into my sewing room and Lenni looked so small compaired to Freedom SR. I was a bit stunned and the actual difference but I love her just the same. Sweet thing! Waiting is awful, I know. But get out your tool kit and got get some floral pins and such so you'll be ready! Have fun!!!!

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What a wonderful day! Many thanks to Sylvia. We would still be staring dumbly at many of those parts, even though the instructions were great. My mind is blown, I am having trouble thinking, but I go in to see my Freedom frequently. Very stately sitting there. I am taking the instructions to bed with me now, along with a pencil and paper to make a list of what I need to ask, what I need to buy....Wow!


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Gloria congratulations on your new Freedom, It is great that you had Sylvia there to help.

When my Lenni arrives I am hoping for the help of my dearest DS's. They may resist, but usually always come through with their help.

I know they do not quite get there mum's hobbies:P:P:P:P

Yep my instruction book will be going to bed with me too. I do wish APQS would have online manuals, so I could be studying it now :D:D

You are going to have lots of fun and you are in the right place if you need any help. This forum is the best.

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Hi Sylvia

Oh I would have loved a Freedom SR . but finances and room do not permit. (Mind if I ever won the lottery :P :P:P:P:P ) But I know I will love my Lenni, and even little Lenni is going to look big against my Pfaff Grand quilter.

Oh yes I have the pins and Linda's cross hatch rulers plus a few other rulers I have been collecting :P, There's donita's Rulermate on the way from the USA and also A Pattern Grid JR and a couple of pantos. Boy the customs here in the UK are going to have a field day with me. :(:(

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