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A tiny little prayer request

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Thank you all. I knew I could depend on you guys to help me know...you all are with me and have my back! I have had cortisone shots before, but I think when they do them in your neck/spine area it is a little more ......something....painful....dangerous...I don't know. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to the procedure, but I'm ready for this pain to stop so I will do anything. Thanks again for your prayers and hugs...you all are the best.

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MaryBeth, My prayers are with you. I have degenerative discs in my neck and I can't believe the parts of my body that it affects. I've never had cortizone, the docs want to operate (but I'm scared to let them) but I have been able to keep it under control by using a home traction thingy (got with a prescription). Anyway, MaryBeth, we're with you and holding both your hands.

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Prayers Mary Beth.. the neck shots aren't so bad, the hap;py juice is to keep you from moving during the proceedure. Head to tail I've had all kinds of shots and none are as bad as the pain that stays and stays. Best thing to do is get a good Back Dr. in Pain Management. The one I have has stopped most of my pain and has things he can do to relieve the rest.

Relax and think of God Holding you in His Hands and guiding the mind, hands and heart of the medical staff which cares for you.


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Mary Beth, in 1995 I had such pain in my arms and back that I though I could not continue to live. I had to go to work every day and somewhere around 10 each morning I'd break down and cry. I went to the dr. who said I had a bulging disk in my neck and 2 ruptured disk. They set me up for surgery where they slit your throat and go in from the front to repair the disk in the back (neck). They also said I had bone spurs - big long ones - on other disks. I asked the neurosurgeon to take care of those also. It has been 14 years and I have never been bothered again. Don't be afraid. The relief you will get will be a godsend. I elected surgery over the pain management because the risks were the same. I see you don't have the same problems I did but you need to know that relief is out there. Just don't be afraid. Hugs!

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Wow Mary Beth!

Look at all the support here! You will get through this for sure.

Trust the docs and techs and you will be feeling better.

I know how health issues get in the way of living. I know you will come out of this feeling much better!

Lots of prayers and get well wishes!

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Good morning...

I am out of my "the good stuff" stuper....Wow, they turned on my I.V. yesterday (they had me face down on the table with my face in a hole so I could gaze at the loveyly tile floor), and all of a sudden the floor started swimming...I said, "Wow! This is good stuff!!" That was the last thing I remember...Now I know why Michael Jackson liked that stuff. (Bad joke, I know).

So, I came home yesterday about 5 pm and slept off and on all evening. Went to bed and DH woke me up at 5:30 am working in the kitchen...why do they do that!? :o

I am pretty sore this morning, but I think as I move around the soreness will subside. The doctor told me I have 2 bulging discs and narrowing discs. He said that surgery would not be an option - yippee...I hope that means forever and that we can do more of these shots if needed. I go back in about 3 weeks and will tell him how I did and he will let me know if he wants to do it again. He said even if it worked this time, they may do one more...I guess it is that old say, "If one was good, two is better." So I have my fingers crossed that this will work.

I did try the traction while in PT, it made me hurt as bad if not worse than the pain I had been experiencing so they decided not to do that again.

Bonnie! Gesh...I think you have had a lot going on...how in the world could you be expected to keep up with me and my aches and pains? ;)

So, it is too soon to tell if I am better yet...but I do appreciate each and every one of you!! Thanks so much for the well wishes, thoughts and prayers....You all are the best!

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Glad to hear you live! My DH likes to get up early on the weekends too and I'd like to strangle him! I so miss the days when I could sleep until 10 with no problem! Now I'm lucky to make it to 7. I do make sure that I lounge and enjoy the slow morning though. Off to the quilting studio soon and then some gardening. weeds, yuck!

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