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FOQ some pictures - UPDATED EYE CANDY

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Just back. I was let out on my own today. DH also let me have the combination that removed the padlock from my purse!!!!:D:D It is alright I had some bolt croppers on standby just in case.

It was a good day, did some damage to the bank account, met up with the APQS girls, also some of the other LAers came along. I also got Kaffe Fassett to sign one of his books that I had bought. Amy Butler was also there.

Took lots more pictures but won't get chance to load them until tomorrow.

Gotta go and pack.

Kath, Got your cake.

Tracy G

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There are some great quilts. Loved Linzi's quilt and the vase of flowers too. I really like the way that the quilts are displayed against a solid white wall instead of the wavy black drapes that are used here. It really shows off the quilts well and looks much more classy.

Thanks for posting the pictures.


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Thanks for showing the photos! I have none of my own as I left my NEW camera behind by mistake. Can't believe there are no pics to show my red boots!!

I had a great show - it will take ages to blog it all, overspent without meaning to, lots to follow up and lots to do!!

Ferret's gallery was FAB. I think there will be lots to see on Twistedthread.com

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Hi Linzi,

Got home at half four, very tired but extremely happy with my little shopping exped to FOQ. I am not even going to add up how much I spent. When I got home there were several quilting related parcels waiting for me also.

Sorry I missed getting the red boots in. You can always post a picture.

I have some news. She has landed - 19 Aug. The Ps didn't know. I had a letter asking me to contact the shippers that was sent Thursday. Hopefully by next weekend I will be PPPing for Britain.

The warehouse where she is is only 30 mins from me!!! I keep telling myself "good things come to those that wait" :D:D:D:D

Delighted that the photos came out Okay. Was slightly worried as some of the lighting wasn't as good as it could have been.

Enjoy the eye candy everyone.

It was great to meet everyone.

Tracy G

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Thank you so much for having taken all those pictures. What fabulous quilts! And yes, you got one shot of my Josefine's Star. Thank you.

Does anybody know next year's date already? Guess, I have to try to attend - there seems to be a pretty convenient flight connection from Frankfurt-Hahn to Birmingham....

And, Tracy, congratulations on your new Lenni - you are in for sooo much fun...


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