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Betty has got a lodger

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You probably want to discourage it sooner rather than later. My guys really got into the idea of sleeping on the quilt on the frame. Fine when it was mine, not so good if it is customers. Now the only time they do it is when it is going to be a show winning quilt. They are very reliable judges.


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I agree with Ferret, if you don't discourage it you will end up with sagging spots (it happened to me). Also, my one cat got wild one night and decided to sharpen his claws on the customers quilt:o that was on the frame. Needless to say, I had to replace fabric in the quilt.

I will admit they are cute when they move in:D:D

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He's an amazing cat. He knew he shouldn't have been on there. He was just pushing his luck.

I couldn't be too cross with him as he has been quite poorly. We had an emergency visit to the vet when we got home on Saturday. He'd been bitten yet again by the nasty cat from down the road and ended up with an abscess on his paw.

I don't think what is on the frame is going to be a show winning quilt.:D:D:D

Tracy G

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Yup, my cats who do it know they shouldn't and do try to target it when they think I will let them off. Not as bed as when the cat sitter had to phone me on holiday. He had come and fed them then fussed them for an hour or so (probably a lot of or so knowing him) then he tried to leave. They blocked the door and insisted they were hungry. He needed to check they were lying :) Even more fun, they knew and let him out after he called. I should say he is a huge biker and you would think he could cope with a few cats, apparently not.


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Ferret, How wonderful to have a cat that tells you ahead of time that you have an award winning quilt. Don't we all wish we had one?

Luckily ours hasn't tried that yet but the dogs love to lay under the machine while I'm working (PRACTICING). Usually looking up at me pleading, are you done yet so you can sit down and we can snuggle???


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Oh, this makes me want a kitty so badly. We lost ours a few years ago, he was a black Manx and very smart. He'd outsmarted mountain lions, coyotes, foxes and dogs for over 10 years. That's why I can't get another...at least not until our barn is done and he has someplace safe to escape. My husband won't let them in the house:( I'd argue the point, but he's really allergic. I offered to buy an unending supply of benadryl, but he's not going for it.;)

Cats are a crack up--they're all so different. Ferret, I love the story about your cats; they're smart!

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My "helper dog" was down recently when I was quilting. I didn't realize it, just noticed that my girl was so hard to move, and I couldn't understand why. My boy was asleep on the cord, and when I pulled it out, he just rolled over for a tummy rub. He too had been having a bad day recently, so how could I not pet him?

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My dogs seem to like laying right where I walk along while I'm quilting and I trip over them. Why do they do this to me?? I'm already a klutz on my own merit, have broken my right foot twice, and I don't need them to help me make it a third time. Patty your kitty photo cracked me up. Too funny! :P :P

Tracy if you wan to try laying some tin foil across the quilt frame at night and while you are stepped away. The sound of that tin foil crackling will scare the dickens out of the cat. Probably he won't want to sleep on the quilt hammock in the future. :cool:

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