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Me time....finally!

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Here in PA, archery and muzzleloader season started today. DH was going to go out with his muzzleloader, but it is raining and he claims that he can't see to shoot because his sights and glasses fog up in the rain. When the kids were little and I wished he would stay home, he went out in all kinds of weather. Now it is just the 2 of us and I could use a little "me time", he makes up all kinds of excuses not to go out. He still buys all kinds of hunting, fishing, and golf related items, but doesn't use them as much as he used to. After he took early retirement 10 years ago, I hardly saw him in the summer because he was always golfing or fishing. Over the years, his outings have gotten less and less. He was even saying that he was tired of golf. Our son calls him all the time to go out fishing and he only goes about 20% of the time.

He is supposed to go to NY state in November to hunt with his brothers and cousins. We are originally from there, about 60 miles south of Buffalo, just over the border from Bradford, PA. We have lived somewhere in PA for 37 years. He always has gone to NY to hunt. When the kids were little, he stayed the whole week. Now, I'm lucky if he stays 3 days. It usually takes longer to get him packed and ready to go. Now please don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, but since he retired, we maybe have a little too much together time. For many of his work years, he traveled and was gone a few days and nights during the week. I really got used to him not being around. Retirement was a huge adjustment!

We really like venison and usually have it at least once a week. I don't like burgers out of it either, Carmen, but do use the ground meat in other ways. DH and DS butcher the ones that they get and are good about getting the yucky stuff off.

Sorry that this got so long. Mary Beth, enjoy your alone time! I'm looking forward to mine (if I ever get it).

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Mary Beth, you crack me up!

For us it is also salmon season. DH is at the coast for the weekend trying to catch the BIG one! I love these times! Quilting, sewing, yakking it up with my girlfriends with almond champagne! Could life get any better? Just wish I could quilt and teach classes full time!

Damn health insurance anyway! Gotta have it but the other job's gonna kill me working for that!

Oh well, on with the show!

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TOO Funny!! Well - I don't care for dear meat or salmon..... I hope that all who do go out and about, Fishing or Hunting - get back home safe and sound.

Mary Beth - Now your blog is probably one that I would read and enjoy following!! :cool:

Sharon - those cute little dear just look like they are visiting a Zoo and trying to figure-out what kind of crazy animals live in such a goody looking box.... Love the photos! Thanks for sharing!!!

I would much rather see them than the ugly icky possum that ran across out driveway the other day...... yeicks!! Those things bother me..... :o

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I have 3 weeks of "me" time every months (and yes it gets boring). But I do enjoy most of my alone time, after a while you get used to it.

Sharon I am like you, I can do without the Deer, but like Moose and Elk in the Freezer. HOWEVER.....I could not shoot the Moose I can face to face with a couple of years ago, so now I don't hunt anymore. Yes I know, I am a suck! So Hubby can go shoot it, have it all cut up and put in the freezer, that is okay, I just can't shoot them anymore.

MaryBeth enjoy your "me" time.

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I love him dearly, but I don't get much me time. Oh, and he's back! He has been in the middle of painting the house and it is a beautiful, yet windy day here in KC today. Since he is spraying the shed out back, I am hoping all of the neighbors don't have chocolate covered houses by the time he gets done. Chocolate - isn't that a great color for a quilter's house :) I picked it out :)

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Mary Beth, I love your new avatar! You look so....well.... pretty! And chocolate is an awesome color for a house!

I am going to enjoy nearly a whole week of me-time! yay! DH is gone for most of this week, so it's just me, Millie and Jewel (my sweet yellow lab) No cooking! woohoo....it might be popcorn for supper tonight! Now if I only didn't have to go to work tomorrow! AND.... I actually put my very first REAL quilt on the frame. Not one of mine though, still too chicken to do that. I bought one on Ebay, and did an easy panto. This is sooooo much fun!

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Sharon, it's still considered a real quilt even if it is from E-Bay :) You will do fine, just relax and have fun. Let that imagination run wild and do slme practicing.

New windows are coming for the house this week - I hope - once those are in the door and shutters will be painted a nice color of red - not bright, just a rusty red. It will be good to have it all done on the outside. Next year is the front porch, just for Linda Card! Not really, it's for everyone who has tried to climb those 3 steps to the top at an angle. Anyway, I'm starting my Honey Do list now.

Thank you for the compliment on my avatar...you should know...I don't like compliments :) But no one has ever said I look so....well....pretty! Before, so thank you!!

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We don't hunt here, but are surrounded by those who do, our 10 acres are a haven for the deer! When I was growing up my Dad went to Maine every November for deer season and my Mom (a city gal) would read

us Bambi! :o

We'd get to have pancakes for dinner and watch cartoons on our PJ's! We loved our week without testosterone in the house!

I'm not sure what happened but one year my Dad was done, said he couldn't kill a deer again and after a life of hunting he was done.

MB a chocolate house sounds great, my bedroom is getting painted tomorrow and the color is Portobello. Gotta love paint that has a food name!:P

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