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My United Way Raffle Quilt Project for 2009

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I need to celebrate and share some wonderful news with my quilty friends here on the APQS chat.

Long story short, each year, I organize some type of quilting project to raise money during my employer's local United Way campaign. This year, I decided to try something completely new that I've never done before -- sell raffle tickets for the quilt rather than do the silent auction process (raffles make more $$$) So... this summer, me and my coworkers (and several of my quilt guild members) made blocks of Alaskan animals or wildlife scenes and I put it together and quilted it. Not to brag, but the photos don't do it justice - it really is spectacular in person.

Oh, and many of the blocks on this quilt were made by non quilters, and this was their first try at raw edge applique.

So, I discovered I was able to use our local United Way's gaming permit and I purchased the perforated packaged sheets of card stock to print the raffle tickets, I designed the tickets, and printed out a bunch to sell. I organized it so we could get the quilt traveling around to several of my work's main locations (Fairbanks, Anchorage, Valdez) and we sold these tickets for $5.00 each or a book of six for $20.00. Most everyone bought the books of $20.00.

From the span of seven short weeks, from start to finish of raffle ticket sales, we sold $4,555.00 in raffle tickets. 100% of that money went to our local United Way. And, last Thursday, the UW reps came over to my office and they pulled the winning ticket. The winner of the quilt is thrilled to have received it.

I am so very proud of my coworkers and my guild members for making this project such a success. Everyone stepped up to the plate, they pitched in their time and efforts to make it happen. It just goes to prove that together, caring people can make amazing things happen that surpass our wildest dreams. All I can say is WOW! My dream came true. Life is good, and I am honored to work with these people who are so generous, so kind and so good in the soul. :)


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YOU AND ALL SHOULD BE VERY PROUD. It is beautiful and brings back wonderful memories of our visit to Alaska! What a wonderful gift for United Way, the learning and and fellowship of making the quilt, making and selling the tickets, the joy of winning the quilt(VERY LUCKY PERSON) and the money support to United Way. Way to go Shana!!!

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Whow! That's great. A beautiful quilt and so much money for United Way. Congratulation to you and your coworkers!

The world cannot be so bad as long as people like you are doing such projects! That gives me hope again :) I think activities like yours are even as important maybe more important than for example the endless chattering of the UN/FAO-meeting in Rome ... Thank you, Shana!

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More than awesome...that is a wondful/gorgeous quilt. You can pat yourself on your back for me you did a fab job.

Is there patterns for the blocks or did you also design it. Reason for asking is there is a block I really really like and would like to add to stash. The ohio star with mountain scene on top...ooooh so lovely.

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Shana I remember this quilt! What a great fund raiser. I can't believe that you got people to spend $5 on a ticket. My guild's raffle tickets were only a $1 or 6 for $5 and I couldn't believe how many of them only went for $1! We did make $3700 on it but that is a lot of tickets! I'm going to suggest we go higher next year and see what happens! Great job and congratulations!

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Supurb job Shana Butla Sista!

You really knocked the sox off of United Way's donation amount didn't u!!!!!!!!

You are a sweetie for organizing this whole thing.

I also want to know if you yourself made one of the blocks, and if so, which one?

I am with Bonnie re: the Ohio Star w/ the mountain. That block I think is my fave out of all of them.

Tell you guild they did an awsome job!

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That is one gorgeous quilt. I wish we had had the opportunity to purchase tickets. :D

You did a great thing by organizing such a raffle project and it all came together. AND, raising such an incredible amount of funds for a fantastic cause! Give yourself a pat on the back. You done good my friend! We are all proud of you. :)

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You should exhibit that quilt at MQS or Innovations. Do you know who won it? personally, so that you could ask to borrow it? Most of the designs look like water color--not fabric. Thanks for giving us the background too. You are an expert at organizing and managing! Congratulations.

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Originally posted by Bonnie

Is there patterns for the blocks or did you also design it. Reason for asking is there is a block I really really like and would like to add to stash. The ohio star with mountain scene on top...ooooh so lovely.

Hi Bonnie, Actually...this year's quilt I did not make a block. We had enough to put one together so I just selected the border and sashing fabric and pieced the top together and quilted it.... Yeah, I just did a simple meander stipple but I did not want to over-quilt it because of the applique pieces so I just nailed it down. I agree the Ohio Star with mountains is very pretty. A guild member made that one... she basically pieced the block and then added some mountains to the foreground. You could do the same, I'm sure! :)

Originally posted by hmerrill

I can't believe that you got people to spend $5 on a ticket. My guild's raffle tickets were only a $1 or 6 for $5 and I couldn't believe how many of them only went for $1! ..... I'm going to suggest we go higher next year and see what happens!


I did not want to mess with $1 bills, or hassle with giving change back to people, so I chose to do the $5.00 for a single ticket, or buy a book of six tickets for $20.00. And knowing my very generous co-workers, most everyone bought a book of six tickets for $20.00. I figured most people would not bat an eye at throwing down a $20.00. In fact, several people bought over $100.00 in books of tickets. One lady purchased $200.00 in tickets. :o But they knew it all went to a good cause.

I did not sell many of the $5.00 single tickets. Most everyone bought the books.

Originally posted by SheriB

You are a sweetie for organizing this whole thing.

I also want to know if you yourself made one of the blocks, and if so, which one?

Hi Sheri,

I didn't make a block for this year's quilt, but I did set up a few lunch our sessions to teach some newbies (coworkers). Oh I forget to mention that many of these blocks were original creations; the person who designed the block made up their own pattern from a photo or another image. I showed them how to do this during a few sessions I had during lunch time.

Yes, it was a lot of work to organize this thing. I'd never organized a raffle before, so it was a whole new learning experience for me! I was very careful to track all of the tickets in an Excel spreadsheet, so everything was accounted for (sold and unsold tickets) and I balanced my money as the ticket sales came in. It's a lot of work to do a raffle but the benefits of making lots of $$ are worth it.

I will probably do another raffle quilt in the future -- but --- I think I should do one every 2 or 3 years so people don't get burned out on it.

One day, I brought the quilt to our local weekly Chamber of Commerce luncheon and during that lunch session, I sold over $500.00 in tickets! The guy who won the quilt bought a book at that luncheon.

Thanks everyone, for your kind words and encouragement. It really was a great experience. My employer is very supportive of this annual quilting project, and my fellow coworkers are VERY VERY VERY generous when it comes to donating their hard earned $$$ to our local United Way agencies.

I do live in a small town (less than 100,000 people) and this community is known to be very generous to give money or to volunteer; especially to local charity and our local United Way agencies. I live and work with some wonderful people. Lucky me. :)

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