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Minne teppe


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Quiltet et teppe med gamle minner for en kunde. Syntes det var et veldig koselig oppdrag. Her var biter fra mors gamle kjøkkenduk fra 1940, svigermors gamle nattkjole og foreningsduk, samt kundens første hardangersøm fra 1960.. Et ordentlig koselig minneteppe;)

Merete: Kan du sende meg en oppskrift på hvordan å legge med bilde så kan dere se det også;)

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Hi Janne

Thank you so much for explaining in english what this quilt was all about. It is just a beautiful family heirloom memory quilt. I especially love the blue and white pitcher, plate and tea cups with the scandinavian designs. My father in law was from Copenhagen Denmark and we have some of the Danish blue and white plates from there. I just love all the memories!! So nice to meet you.

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