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Heidi, Bonnie, Kimmie, Sheri, and all you other accomplished Quilters.....IT IS FINISHED!

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Monika...I love doing both CC's or cross hatching in Irish Chains...it keep in my opinion the feel of the traditional quilt...in the centers of the blocks or the open whits spaces I go to my stencils.


The first one here on page two is my all time favorite and I have it in every size...its call FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. It was the very first stencil I mastered a zillion years ago and even today I fall back to it. When I use the Follow your Dreams I tip it so that the points go into the space better.

<a  href=2034228910091819759S200x200Q85.jpg' alt=

and then on page 1 is HEART WINGS...they too are in every size in my stash...


for the borders you could treat them as a single unit the white and then the flower print and you could carry out the cross hatching again to keep with the traditional quilting or pick a design that would complement the print. That is your choice...even feathers across both borders would be stunning....

Hope this helped a bit.

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I was thinking you could also do some sort of "plume" type of design that is diagonal inside the wide yellow and purple chains. You could draw a spine and feather it diagonally? I think that would look really pretty. As for thread, I would choose something that just falls into the yellow and purple colors and isn't high contrast.

This is a stunner and with your quilting it's gonna be an uber-stunner. :) Please share when done. OK?

A few weeks ago, Meg shared an Irish chain that she quilted the open blocks with a really pretty "plumey type" of design. That would look super pretty in the open blocks, as Bonnie suggested in her stencil.

Here is Meg's quilt.


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I ditto the feathers/plumes & STENCILS in the white areas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stencils, (as Shana well knows) is my best friend soooo many times. Proven over and over, and for this very reason.

They can be purchased in several different sizes to accomodate this very thing.

Your ideas on this is totally endless. Go to www.stensource.com

try, www.quiltingcreationsinternational.com .. or, www.everythingquilts

you can bing or google quilting stencils., and the sites are numerous!

I did have a questions. What color is the backing?...or, is it busy/multi colored?

In other words, can you use a purple colored thread? In both the sashing & the triple irishchain blocks?

What about doing a continuous leafy design in the purple area then? If no CC'ing. Or leaves, and toss in those tendrils. I use those and love it. It expands a plain leafy border.

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Oh Monika look at that backing as being a wonderful opportunity for a 2nd quilt! It will be a beautiful wholecloth on the back. To keep the "heirloom" feel that you are looking for you should keep white thread in the white and dark thread in the purple, at least that is what I would do. IMOH using a colored thread on the white takes away from the heirloom look.

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  • 1 month later...

Took me only 2 days, stay stitched each border seam, cc'd all the little squares, used a feather block in the open area, piano keyed of sorts the purple border, and feathered the outside border.

I am very very pleased and know my customer will like it too. It looks great yes?

and the best thing? Tension was awesome, don't even know I used purple when you look at the back....


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