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Carolina Christmas MYSTERY QUILT? Anyone else doing it?

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I'm probably going to print off the clues, but will have to actually make the quilt at a later date. I've been working one of her other mystery quilts, "double delight". I just gathered up all the fabrics, finished blocks, pattern instructions, etc. and packed them away for awhile. I need to work on a quilt for one of my granddaughters. After the holidays we will be heading to Western Illinois to visit DD and family. When we get back I need to make a flannel rag quilt for a new granddaughter who is expected the end of March. Then I will need to make a quilt for our niece/god-daughter who is getting married in the summer. Hopefully, I can work on the double delight quilt in between projects.

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According to Bonnie's blog...she should post Step 3 by tomorrow evening. I can't wait.

I am making the quilt as she posts clues. If someone doesn't want me to post the finished quilt when complete...then please tell me...otherwise it might spoil the mystery surprise for you.

I am glad that some of us are doing the mystery. I love mysteries.

I am hoping to post the one that I designed after the New Year. Things got crazy this past few months. I will let you know when mine is ready!!

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I am just too busy to do it...at least just now. I did print out the first two clues, and hope to remember to print the rest of them so I can piece this at a later date...maybe.

If I had the time, I would do this one right now. It sounds like so much fun to do it this way.

I hve so many UFOs is is almost overwhelming! So, last year I decided I would really try to quilt up my tops and put together tops using the quilt blocks I have already made, or blocks I received in two of the APQS block exchanges.

Speaking of block exchanges, I finished the Christmas quilt from last year, in January or February, so I'll have it for this Christmas. I better get it out of the closet. I'll have to post a picture of it soon.

Also, as I'm thinking of block exchanges...where has Teresa, aka ChickenScratch been lately? I hope she is just too busy to write, and that everything is OK in her life.

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Kristina--wondered if anybody from here was doing this--I am making time to do this for myself. I am using Christmas colors too--and all from my stash--I don't plan on purchasing any more fabric for a while--and trying empty out some of my containers!!

I have never done a mystery before--and this is quite fun--anticpating what the final quilt will look like!!

Anxiously waiting on the next clue!!


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Thank you for reminding me of the mystery quilt starting up. I just love Bonnie and her website is so wonderful. I see you can join her yahoogroup and get updates when the clues are posted. How wonderful, thanks Kristina! I hope that I can find time to put one more quilt on the list.

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I am going to do Bonnie's Mystery as well. Did anyone do the one she had in Quiltmaker mag.?---Christmas Lights (I think). I finished it and it really turned out nice. Rather than 9 inch blocks I made mine 12 inch so it is almost big enough for my Queen. I agree she has great mysteries---although her quilts do have LOTS of pieces :P They do however always turn out so nice!


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I'm a big fan of Bonnie's (I think I'm on my 8th or 9th of her quilt patterns, including 2 versions of the Carolina Crossroads mystery and one of the Old Tobacco Roads mystery).

But I never seem to start on a mystery while it's STILL mysterious!

I plan to make it, but have to finish a few other projects first. I am following along on the chat and the clues.

Have fun!


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I have been printing out the directions. I like her mysteries because she gives you a picture of the fabrics she is using so you can get out the same colors if you like her colors. She is great with directions. Hopefully I will have time over the Christmas week to try to put it together.


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