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A lesson learned

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Took the plunge after weeks of ppping and loaded a proper quilt top.

Spent nearly an hour slowly guiding the stylus to the end of the 1st row of boards.

Oh no, disaster struck I had run out of board but still had 6 inches of quilt left.

Every way I looked at it there was going to be some serious frogging to do as the only option was to cut one of the RnS boards up to fit the space left on the table.

Now I wish I had done the dummy run so that I could have spent 4 hours quilting instead of frogging.

You live and learn.

Tracy G

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

I think I live and learn something every day. If there is messing up to be done, surely I will be doing it!! :D

My dad would tell us kids as we were growing up that if we learned ONE new thing each day that we hadn't wasted our day.....:P;) Have to admit though I have wasted a few and had a few DUH moments in my life as well, and these RNS boards did throw me for a loop when I first got them, but I did learn pretty fast so I didn't have to frog.

Tracy...how many boards did you get....if you have more than one.... for example three...place the first one in the center of your quilt and one on each side of that. NOW if that doesn't reach across your quilt....take the one from your left side of center and put it in front of the first board. Quilt until you have passed that board, and then replace it once again on the left side of center...and if you still need more to that side, take the one that is right side of center and leapfrog it to the left side and then back to where it was when finished. THE only board that stays in the same place each time is the center one...and I usually tape that one down so it can't move and I always have a stational starting point.

This same thing can be done with only two boards, but I start the first one at the edge and then place the second one...leapfroging them over each other....you can get a bit wonky if your not careful as you have lost your stational piece.

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Shifted the boards. Got that one under my belt.

Started quilting but top thread (Superior rainbow) kept breaking. It must have snapped at least 6 times on the 1st run. Re threaded every time from scratch. 2nd row got half way down when thread broke then it decided to wrap itself around the flywheel. Tonight I learnt how to take off the side cover and remove the thread from the fly wheel.

I am hoping tomorrow will be a better quilting experience!

Once this quilt is finished I promise to post a picture

Thanks for all your advice

Tracy G

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Hi Tracy

Sorry to hear you have had to do some frogging. I hate frogging, always seems to take forever. When I have used Rainbow, When I get to the three hole guide I only put the thread through the first and last hole missing the middle hole.

Also try putting a piece of wadding in the guide above where the thread cone sits and put some sewers aid on the wadding.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

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Originally posted by KathG

When I have used Rainbow, When I get to the three hole guide I only put the thread through the first and last hole missing the middle hole (quote)

Thanks Kath,

I will try this when I get home tonight. I changed thread colour after frogging as my thread order arrived. The original spool seemed to be okay. If it still keeps breaking I might be in for some serious frogging and change the thread colour.

I'd already removed two rows of cross hatching that I had done by hand so I could put this on my machine. This must be the most frogged quilt in the universe. :P


It wasn't a problem with the boards. It was operator error!!!

Tracy G

Can't even work the computer today.

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Originally posted by skimmer

Which board is it? I was thinking maybe you could possibly "start" in the middle of a board, matching up the pattern. I hope this makes sense.



I'd forgotten to offset the board to take into account that the stylus sits slightly left of the center of the machine.

Going to spend the best part of the weekend Frogging, as I so not happy with all the thread breaks I have been having.

Tomorrow better be a better quilting day!!!!!!!! even though I will be frogging:D:D:D

I know it's my 1st quilt on Betty but I want to at least be half decent.

Tracy G

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