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Carolina Christmas Quilt TOP DONE

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Yes, it mine to keep. I have been trying to piece all of my quilts queen to king size so that my kids will have lots to choose from in the years to come. This one was quite fun to piece and I really like how it turned out.

I will start quilting tomorrow and can hopefully finish it within the week or so. I want to play with the quiltazoid on this one and add some cool designs to it.

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It looks great! I was hoping to do this one, and even printed the first three sets of directions, but then I was out of town a week and ...that was the end of it.

I really like the way yours turned out. It sure looks like a lot of small pieces to put together in a short time. I'm impressed.

Please post a picture of it after quiling, too.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

OK Kristina,

I ant to know how you do it? You have 7 kids right? How in the world do you have time to get all these things done before Christmas? I can't even imagine! It is beautiful and I can't wait to see it quilted!

Yes, I have 7 children!

Because this quilt was posted in steps...it made it go alot quicker since the units were easy to construct. What you did not know until now...is that I pieced one other quilt while this one was waiting for the next steps...and quilted a the John Deere quilt.

What I am NOT though...is ready for Christmas. Good thing Christmas is small around my house. Lots of time still for shopping!

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter


Yes, I have 7 children!

What I am NOT though...is ready for Christmas. Good thing Christmas is small around my house. Lots of time still for shopping!


Personally I think Christmas should be smaller! I think people just get so carried away with so much. My favorites are those where you give a few gifts and just enjoy each other. I'm a little worried about NC. I just found out that my DIL's mother is very worried that everybody won't have the same number of presents to open. Well I don't really care. The kids are all adults and while I try to keep it even I can't always do that. I know that I got them what they asked for and then an extra unexpected gift. As for Maddie we of course got her stuff too but I'm trying really hard not to overwhelm her! The great thing about 2 year olds is you can split things up and they don't have a clue. They just enjoy the opening of gifts. She will help everybody else too. Of course I think everybody will go crazy but I'm trying to limit them to 2 each and then we've gotten about 5 or 6. I just don't like when it becomes a circus. Just enjoy the day!!!!

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Personally I think Christmas should be smaller! I think people just get so carried away with so much. My favorites are those where you give a few gifts and just enjoy each other.

I just don't like when it becomes a circus. Just enjoy the day!!!!

With 7 kids it could easily be a circus...but each child is very respectful of each other and we take turns opening one gift. All this, of course, after breakfast and a short drive to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the gift opening. Then we usually play board games all afternoon. Lots of fun I think. ;)

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Thanks for posting your version of Carolina Christmas

I had printed all the directions and didnt know if i was sold on the quilt at the end. Not a true scrappy fan.

But after seeing yours I have moved it up my list.

Its just beautiful. Have always like black for the background and you really made it pop!

Have a great Holiday season.

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It's beautiful!

How about a gold metallic thread! I used Superior's this week on a small quilt and it stitched very well.

BTW are the instructions for the quilt still on the web? I would love to download it and add it to my llist as well.

I have a freind always would remind me that Christ only recieved three gifts so why should me recieve more. REMEMBERING THAT MAKES IT EASIER TO NOT OVER DO IT. Now that I'm retired I don't buy gifts usaully but make candy. Now after Christmas each year I have the boxes returned to be refilled for next year! LOL

Have a very Merry Christmas!

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Love it Kristina!!!! Great job in doing your own thing!! I can tell that you are good at that!!!

As far as thread choices--I too do like Sandra--just pull what you think would work and then let the quilt tell you what it wants.

Another thought might be to do a redish pink in the red areas and a greenish blue in the green areas--mostly because this is your quilt and you can spend the extra it takes to do that...

...or the other thought might be darkish gray--that might not be so bold on the black--and kinda blen in the colors--thereby seeing the quiliting on both colors of the blocks...

...or another way to go might be a goldish yellow--and have some sparkle.

It is hard to tell just from the computer--put all these choices on the quilt and it will tell you!!!

I can't wait to see what you use the QZ for on this one!!!!!

My kids are both home from college for the next 2 weeks--that might be interesting with a 21y/o--who of course thinks she knows everything about life--oh yeah--we are making her bridesmaids dresses in these 2 weeks--I could use a few prayers!!!

Have a Blessed Christmas Season!!!

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