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thread shredding???

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I have been having trouble with thread breakage all day. I have reviewed all the posts regarding this issue, but nothing has worked. I have had this problem before, HOWEVER, this time I caught the thread right before it broke and got a picture!!! Does anyone know what causes THIS????

It appears that the thread is shredding above the last thread guide.

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I know that you have probably already checked the path for

burrs, scratches. How about the screws that hold the

thread guides?

You know how the head of a screw can get 'chewed up'

when the screwdriver slips. Check for burrs.

Does this happen with all types of thread or just this one.

Looks like King Tut. I don't usually have trouble with King

Tut. But if it only happens on this one cone, the thread

itself may be bad, old or dried out.

Anybody else have any ideas?

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