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Hey Bonnie Botts!!!

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Hi there, my base expander arrived today and what a surprise to see a nice ruler in there also, thank you. I hope you got your box and that the rulermate is working for you. Great trade. Again thank you so much for the base expander. I have some very exciting news I will e-mail you later.


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This thread is made is the USA which give me great pride to be a part of. I always look for made in america. AND the price is very good too.Ok ladies here is the news. I had a phone interview with Chris Meyers at Fil-Tech thread and magna bobbins this morning. I am now a commissioned rep for them. He is sending me a box of samples of their thread and bobbins. So if you want to try a sample of the magna bobbins just let me know and I will send you one. There is a youtube showing the magna bobbins run through a towa and a regular bobbin in a towa and then they run them as if they are in the bobbin assembly and you can see how constant the dial is for the magna bobbin tension and the regular bobbin tension varies radically. Especially as the bobbin gets down to the end. The thread is really nice too. I will get to be part of choosing the colors for the thread and matching magna bobbins. I am very excited about this opportunity.


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Wonderful news Nora , Congratulations. I have some samples on their way to me now. Just became a member and I am anxious to try the thread and bobbins out. So is there something special we need to do to adjust the bobbin tension. Is it supposed to run tighter or looser than our normal adjustments?

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CONGRATS!!! I'm jealous, if I had a brick and mortar or online store I would love to be a Fil-Tech rep! I am totally impressed and happy with their products. They are really trying to enter the LA world and really listening to us. I love Superior Thread, Bob and the gang but these Fil-Tech products are great.

Nora isn't Chris the nicest "sales rep"! He sent me a second sample package for helping to get the word out. I need to get a pic and testimonial (can't spell, we need spell check) for him.

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