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can you rip plaid flannel?

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A better way would be to bring your corners together and place those on the rails of your machine. Now check to see if there is a fold one way or the other that indicates it is wracked and tug on one side or the other. Now fold it again and do the same check making sure everything is folded correctly. It should be small enough to trim off the ends now and pin these on your rails. I cut a tiny notch at the center so I can pin it exactly on the black dot on my leaders. If you have two selvages you can always use those to pin on, they are usually straight. Just my two cents.


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If it looks like it's cut a little wonky, I usually always take a small snip and rip the backing fabric on customer quilts to make sure I'm on the grain before I pin to the leaders. Works well. I make sure I have plenty of "wriggle room" to rip so I have enough length when done. One time (on a wide backer) it was cut really wonky so I ripped and had to keep repeating ripping. I was getting nervous I would be too short but ended up OK.

I haven't ripped plaid flannel or homespun tho... that sounds like it wouldn't work. I would probably cut that....

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