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Karen Mctavish came to Kearney


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Thank you Karen for such a wonderful day on Friday!

I took Karen's whole cloth quilt class Friday at Sewfari in Kearney (thank you Becky!). It was a day full of learning and general fun with quilting friends! If any of you ever get a chance to take any of Karen's classes-DO IT-I hope it isn't too long before I get to take more of her classes!

Now I just need to finish the whole cloth!

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We mostly had 60" square but some students finished early. I think it depends on what you do on the quilt. I did alot of taking only elements from stencils so I had to move them alot to mark. If you are the type to want to make it a unique quilt and not stencils put on as they are drawn you will need more time and will want to make probably a 60" square or so.

BTW I was blue by the time I was finished with it but luckily it is water soluble ink and all I had to do was put my hands under water to get it off!

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Yes, we are looking at 2011 tho, as Karen was booked up this summer/fall!!!

I've been talking with Jewels about it. I am going to call Karen's booking agent and get a date for June, July or August. I dont want to do spring with MQS...and the fact that we just never know how much snow us nebraskan's will get..and have someone try to drive in that white crap and get in an accident.

Jewels and I want a nice...safe...summer or fall day for good travel for everyone!!

Will keep you posted!!!

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Julia, I am jealous! The next time the Midwest Quilters get together you must bring your wholecloth for show and tell.

Sheri, you are a peach for doing all the work to set up a class with Karen for 2011. You know she's good of she's booked that far in advance!!! (Remind her what a fun group we are and maybe she'll come sooner.):P

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