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NQR - Shushhhhhhhh dont wake the baby (latest picture)

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Here is the latest addition to our family - Dylan Michael Gow taken at just over an hour old and I am holding him.

He was born today at 1900, weighed in at 5lbs12oz and is the image of my son (his dad). Everyone is doing well.

This wee man is our first grandchild.

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Congratulations, Isn't it nice when they choose to come in time for us to meet them before we leave on a trip? My granddaughter was born 4 years ago, the night before we were to take our foriegn exchange student on a week trip to Washington, DC, Maryland, Hershey, PA, and Niagra Falls before she left for her home in Japan.

Have a great trip, you and he will be so glad to spend time together when you come home.

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