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Irena Bluhm class today at Round Bobbin

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I had the pleasure of taking a Bluhming Background Design class from Irena Bluhm today. This is the first class that I have taken from her, and what a delightful lady she is! She is so enthusiastic and supportive of the work all of the students did. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to take the class today, as well as classes Friday and Saturday.

And the quilts she brought !!!! She brought her own little quilt show with 20 - 25 of her quilts, or quilts others have quilted that have appeared in her books. Heidi Merrill's Rose Parfait is there and it is beautiful!

She also has with her a few of the quilts that will appear in her next book that is coming out this fall. I've forgotten the title of the new book - something about patchwork or piecing - but without the piecing. Of course they are lovely! So my brain is overloaded from just a half day of class and looking at her quilts and thinking about quilting that I might do using some of her background fills and techniques. :P

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Originally posted by JustSewSimple

Heidi, I will have to buy this book. First I already have one of Irena's books and have make 2 quilts using her techniques, and second I know you!!!

Awe that is so sweet! I can tell you that Irena packs all of her books with tons of good stuff! She is very giving and talented. I was truly honored to be asked to have my quilts included in her books. My show quilt was actually designed to meet the requirements of this new book. It should be in print in July!

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Today's class was feathers and it was very good, as expected. Irena Bluhm is an exceptionally warm, sharing and giving teacher, and so encouraging. She said we are all experts! :P:P:P I can't wait to try out what I've learned the past two days. Tomorrow is the coloring class, so my inner child gets to come out and play. :D

Nita, were you in Irena's class? I don't know what you look like so you'll just have to stop me in my tracks if you see me. I'll be wearing a brown turtle neck sweater and a raggy jacket made of tan and rust colored homespun fabric.

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