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making swags formula

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Hi guys, I am math challenged and would love it if someone can give me a good way to mark for swag borders. I have the templates but everytime I try to measure I end up with not enough room or a lot of room left over. I hope this makes sence. Maybe there is a formula I can use that will work kinda like the formula we give our customers on how to find the cost of our services, lenght X width times cents per inch. Any help would be wonderful...

Thank Nora

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The book is Tempting Templates! Swags by Tracey Browning. I initiated my order with Constantine quilts, in US dollars it's a little less than Australian dollars. However, the shipping was substantial, so I switched to Kingsman this morning. I just hope I get the right size templates:D

The videos are on the Constantine quilt site, and I guess on YouTube also. Watch them if you dare....they will compel you to spend money:P:P

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Just a hint--if you already have swag templates and can't make them exactly fit a border--take the fudge amount to the center of the border and put a doo-dad there. Say there is an extra two inches in the middle after you have measured out your swags. Put a knot and a bow there.

Or put a small circle, diamond, or teardrop between each swag to eat up the extra space.

Or start in the middle with the swags and let the extra be taken up by a different corner treatment.

Or draw a big swag to turn the corner that matches up with the edge swags-- the corner swag takes up the extra space and probably would need to be hand-drawn to fill. But make a paper template of your hand-drawn one to use to mark the other three corners.

I love swags!

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