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NQR -Thelma and Louise road trip comes to an end : (

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Well today is the day that version 2 of " Thelma and Louise" must come to an end or in the words of Frank " and now then end is near".

Thanks goes to Bonnie and her family for not only looking after us after our trip to MQX but also when we became "volcano refugees" and had to extend our stay somewhat.

Thanks to everyone that we met at MQX, especially the APQS crowd for making us welcome. It was great to meet our virtual friends.

The quilters at home are desperate to know what I have been up to. All I shall say is "what happens at a quilt show, stays at a quilt show!" :)

As much as we would love to stay, my bank manager is already having a fit, but there is a "wee man" that I haven't seen for 3 weeks that really needs a hug from his grandma or is it the other way round? :)

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Although we have had a blast having you both here, I know you will be happy to get back home. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be a "volcano refugee", but if I am a refugee....I can't think of another place to hold up then at the "sticky bun queen's".

Enjoy the little man, they grow up so fast.

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;)They forget that I'm taking them to the airport....I just might decide to head in the other direction (:P hey, how would they know we should be going south and are actually heading west) and kidnap them till they have enough time that they can apply for US citizenship. I am going to miss them both and the house will be SO lonesome now that have decided to leave.:(

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Tracy and Linzi, it was super great meeting you guys. There was never a dull moment when we were together. Although we are all sad to see you leaving the USA, we know that you're more then ready to get home. Have a safe trip, especially when lifting those suitcases:D Tracy, looking forward to more "wee-man" pics and Linzi, can't wait to see the YURT in all it's quilt glory. You may end up with enough panels for inside and out, wouldn't that be fab!! I better get back to work.

Bonnie, great job at training Tracy and Linzi to be "Americans". You are the greatest!!!! I hope to visit with you longer then a couple seconds next time we meet.

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Sad to leave but glad to be heading home to families. We are now quite good at the lingo. I hope to be back before too long with a Yurt!! There is a lot more of the USA that I want to see and many more friends to visit. We have had an even better than expected time here, thanks to our quilty friends.

"I'll be back...!!!"

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Guest Linda S

So glad to hear you had a great time despite being "stranded". Sorry I had to leave MQX so soon this year. Next year I plan to stay longer.


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Well its with a sad sad heart that I have had to put Thelma and Louise on the plane back to their families. I so wanted to just kidnap them both, but the sad eyes won out and I caved in and took them to the airport. Its 10pm and I just got back from the fast trip to Newark, NJ...with a side trip to not only one Ikea, but TWO.

Guys let us know you get home...and know that this house will be a bit empty for a couple of days now that you are gone.

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Bonnie, I know your house is probably very quiet now. You are a beautiful soul, I know Tracy and Linzi will remember their stay with you forever. Did Linzi get you to make a YURT panel, LOL. Isn't it interesting how everyone on this forum seems like family not just another "chat site" or "techinical only" site. I'm thinking that the girls should be close to home by now, it's 0730 here and probably around 1100 in Scotland. Great job, Bonnie.

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We have been in Tracy's house for 15 mins... Almost 24 hrs on the road! I have not managed to check emails yet, blooming airports have useless wifi connection. I am staying here overnight and getting the bus to Aberdeen tomorrow. Gin & Tonic in hand... Glad to be home but missing all of my American friends already.... SPECIAL THANKS to Marilynn, our NYC hostess and Bonnie for running a terrific volcano refugee camp! I will complete my blog and post it by tomorrow. No idea what time of day it is now.

Thank you to everyone who made our trip so memorable!!!

Linzi xxx and Tracy xxx

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