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NQR -Thelma and Louise road trip comes to an end : (

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I was just looking at the clock and wondering if you had made it back to Tracy's yet....glad to hear the flight was uneventful and that you are back home or at least in the right country...still a long bus ride ahead. YUCKO!!! But good still is that you don't have Tracy's luggage to pack around....I bet the TSA's applied for workers comp after heaving her bags around. :P:P:P

Also its way to quiet here....I keep looking for one of you to pop up out of the basement or the cup of tea to just appear full and hot....;)

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your good wishes. We arrived back safely.

The excitement continued as on the flight from Heathrow to Glasgow we got entwined in Whitney Houstons enterage. She certainly isn't wearing well.

I have had a very special visit tonight from the wee man. I had chance for loads of cuddles, and even gave him a bottle. He has just gone home so that his mummy can put him to bed.

We are both very very tired and will

Probably be in bed very soon. The earliest night in over 3 weeks.

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Originally posted by Tracy G

We are both very very tired and will

Probably be in bed very soon. The earliest night in over 3 weeks.

AND who's fault is that.....HUH....the rest of the family were in bed by 10pm, but Thelma and Louise just had to see who could watch the sun rise....but they both would crash by midnight....:P;):P;)

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Great to hear that you've arrived home safely. I know Bonnie was the perfect hostess, and she would open her home to all of us quilters.

Hey, Bonnie, the next time the quilters meet, we'll be expecting some of those buns!!

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Tracy -

As if you hadnt been through enough on your Volcanic Quilting Trip, you are then handed a Whitney encounter. I'm so sorry for that woman is a serious train wreck. Why are we allowing her to visit other regions...this is not good PR for the USA???

A new wee man and a new lighting system for Lenni? Ok - these should ensure a speedy recovery from your Whitney trauma!

Joking aside ... Glad you're home safe ... Twas so nice to meet you.


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Interesting bus trip surrounded by football fans all drinking strong cider...

Great to be back; everyone and the cat pleased to see me. Eating out tonight and NOT unpacking or looking at my pile of letters and bills until tomorrow THEN serious around the clock Yurt catch-up from Monday!!

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Linzi and Tracy, America misses you. You were a joy to meet.

And thanks so much for that Highland Tea I won by guessing Linzi's favorite drink (gin and tonic) at the Forum Dinner at Fire and Ice. I love the tea. I've used quite a bit of it.

And, Bonnie, what an American treasure you are.

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Linzi glad to hear you are home and I'm sure the kitty is very happy to see you! Good luck with the yurt project. I know you have a ton ahead of you! I'm working on a quilt right now and it has a ton of custom quilting in it and I don't know much of it will actually show. It is going to be raffled off to make money to build a home for homeless woman veterans so it is near and dear to my heart. I'm using silver thread in hopes that some of the quilting really shows. Our guild donated the blocks and two gals put it together. The fabric that they used for the setting triangles is super busy so I just stippled that area. I'm going to run out of silver thread probably today but Sandra G. has come to my rescue and hopefully I'll get a spool early this week so I can get it done!

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Who says jet lag can keep a quilter away from her machine?

Been fixing Betty up with her new add ons. she is looking so purity! Will post a picture soon.

just need to find room for the couple of spools of thread that I bought:D:D

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Originally posted by Tracy G

Who says jet lag can keep a quilter away from her machine?

Been fixing Betty up with her new add ons. she is looking so purity! Will post a picture soon.

just need to find room for the couple of spools of thread that I bought:D:D

only a couple???? I heard that you needed another suitcase!?!?! :cool:

I am very glad that you both made it home safe. We drove up to see Great-Grandma last weekend.... just can't sleep in Hotel beds... always so nice to get home!

Haven't quilted in a week now... been fighting off a nasty bug. Getting caught-up on all the sleep I missed I think.

Bonnie - you are such a gem! What a sweet soul you must have to take those girls in and even serve them sticky buns!! They looked good - but I couldn't help but notice how clean - spick-n-span - your stove was! WOW!!! You can come to my place anytime! :D;)

All kidding aside - You are a treasure!

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Great to hear you're all home safe and sound. We miss you already. Linzi, I got an idea, make sticky bunns to sell inside the YURT!!! LOL, you are going to be so busy, don't forget a moment or two of "me time". Tracy, don't spoil wee-man to much (right).

Heidi, I'll buy some tickets for your raffle quilt, just let me know when they're available.

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