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NQR - Asking for positive thoughts and prayers/ Update!!!

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Dave has been having foot and leg problems. He is back in the hospital on some pretty powerful meds to clear up infection and blood flow problems. The surgery last week was not successful. They are attempting surgery again tomorrow - Thursday May 6th. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers for success. If this does not work, there is a real possibility he may lose the foot.



We (Quilters) must be a pretty powerful positive group - this surgery was successful and they only had to do the less invasive surgery and the out look is great!!! Thanks, everyone!!!

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Prayers for certain.. I'm sorry you have to go thru this Dave, and Jane, prayers for you for peace of mind, while going thru this crisis.

May the Lord guide the Dr.s minds, hands and hearts, and the nursing staff be as Knowledgeable and gentle as they should be.


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