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My New Lenni

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Matt the Manquilter and Jennifer are coming tomorrow to set up my new Lenni that I bought at Quilt Canada in Calgary. I am so excited to get it up and running. Does anyone know of any good sites that demonstrate some freehand quilting designs that are fairly easy for the beginner? I should have taken pix of my new studio but I will wait til Lenni is all set up. I had a totally empty room in my basement that will be my quilting studio. I am not moving my sewing room there tho...it is just for Lenni! I painted it lime green and made some awesome pink, green, black and white curtains for it today. I even figured out how to mount the curtain rod with the anchors!! so excited...:D

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You are going to love it. Matt and Jennifer set my Lenni up on May 18 and I am super pleased with the whole experience. So far I have just used the double plume panto that came with the machine on 2 lap quilts and I did one freehand with leaves and tendrils.... not anything elaborate but it seems to have gotten me a little more used to running the machine. I don't know of any good sites on the internet, but I recommend a book titled Machine Quilting Solutions, Techniques for fast and simple to award winning designs by Christine Maraccini. She shows 3 different levels of quilting for the quilts in the book. The quilts range from log cabins to stars to applique. I did the May Baskets quilting of leaves and tendrils and it worked out well. If I can ever find the time and inclination to learn how to post photos I will.

We may end up meeting up at the intro class with Jennifer and I could bring the book along to show you.


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http://www.freemotionquilting.blogspot.com/ Hewre is a wonderful site,, and when you click on a design, sometimes it opens right to a video lesson, other times you have to scroll down the page.

She has a George, so just pretend your hands are moving the machine.. I wrote down the numbers of designs I think I'll be further interested in using.

WTG on the new machine and welcome to APQS forums,. lots of generous people here, helpful, funny, sad, prayerful, and on and on. Very encouraging, too.


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Thanks for the tips! I have been to the freemotionquilting tutorials and she has some amazing designs. I too have some there I would like to try. so far I've done 2 quilts on my new Lenni, but I just meandered on both. Next time I am going to try something different, maybe loops and stars or hearts. I would like to see your tendrils and leaves Charmaine! Get those pictures posted. I posted one on another forum called Finished with Pictures. i think.

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Hi Charmaine, I just had the same problem. I read the FAQ (link in the blue box near top of screen) and found out the attachment can't be bigger than 1 mb, and my picture was bigger than that. I googled "compress picture" and found the instructions on how to compress my photo. Make sure to save the picture in the compressed format, and then you can attach a picture to your post. You can also edit a post and add the attachment. Hope this helps!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, Charmaine and GrandmaHello - I'd love to be able to get together and share "Lenni" stories - Grandma - if you bought your maching after Quilt Canada - that was mine that you demo'd on - don't you just love it? I live about an hour north west of Calgary - haven't done my beginner class yet - maybe we should all do that together - either of you got plans for when you are going to do the class? By the way, I just took my first real quilt off my Lenni - just meandering, but how cool! I am ready for more, more, more! Take Care - Bev

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Hey, Charmaine and GrandmaHello - I'd love to be able to get together and share "Lenni" stories - Grandma - if you bought your maching after Quilt Canada - that was mine that you demo'd on - don't you just love it? I live about an hour north west of Calgary - haven't done my beginner class yet - maybe we should all do that together - either of you got plans for when you are going to do the class? By the way, I just took my first real quilt off my Lenni - just meandering, but how cool! I am ready for more, more, more! Take Care - Bev

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I hope to be able to breathe soon. I have been so busy this June with family matters that I have not touched my Lenni in a month. July should be better for me and I will be able to think about arranging a class after I get up from under my to do list and dust myself off.

Best wishes,


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I hope to be able to breathe soon. I have been so busy this June with family matters that I have not touched my Lenni in a month. July should be better for me and I will be able to think about arranging a class after I get up from under my to do list and dust myself off.

Best wishes,


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  • 1 month later...

I am still busy with family matters so I will not be able to get to Edmonton and I am hoping to do a little more practicing before I take the beginner course. I am now working on a wedding quilt for my daughter who will be married Sept. 4, 2010. I have it all loaded up but am a little scared to start it. I am still debating with myself on whether to do the feathered plume panto that came with my Lenni or whether to freehand leaves and tendrils. The fabrics on the quilt are quite busy paisleys so the quilting will not show too much. I should just take a deep breath and begin but I will wait until tomorrow when I am fresh.

I noticed on Jennifer Muth's blog that she will be at the Creative Stitches Expo in Calgary at the end of Sept. so I hope to talk to her then and set something up for Oct. or Nov. Hope you are having a great summer and I hope to meet you sometime when our schedules are not so full.


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My life is still up in the air but my husband and I got away for a few days holiday this week. I have not and will not set up anything with Jennifer until I know where I will be working this school year. I teach kindergarten full days but had to change school last June due to declining enrollments at my previous school. So I packed up everything and am waiting to know just where I will be this year.

Maybe a Saturday in October might work before the snow flies. Did I really type in that "s" word... yikes I still need summer.


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