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Help using the TOWA Gauge

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I purchased the TOWA Gauge and I'm not sure if I'm wrapping my thread around the wheels correctly. Do I wrap it to the right bottom of the first white wheel then go to the right top of the top wheel? I could not tell from the picture. Also, I'm having a problem that is driving me crazy. I always check my tension before I start quilting. Everything looks fine, but after some McTavishing, I decided to check again and the bottom threads are just about laying on the bottom. I don't know what is happening that the tension should change during stitching when it starts off ok. I did all the checks, change needles, clean dust, etc. I'm using Bob's prewound bobbins, with Masterpiece on top. Any suggestions on how I can keep some consistancy? I seem to be wasting so much time fiddling around with the tensions it's driving me crazy. Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Joanne/Beestitched Quilting.

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Hi Joanne--

I love the Towa gauge! To wrap the thread, it comes out of the bobbin case, around the bottom pulley, up to the top pulley in a backwards "S" and then down around the plastic thread guide at the bottom. Pull the thread straight and even to the left. As you figure out the correct number for each combination of thread types, make a note or a chart so you know about the right number for next time. For example, if I use Bottom Line on top and bottom, I start the bobbin tension at about 20 and have the top tension a little loose. You will get the hang of it!

Linda R

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