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Presenting my Harvest Spice queen size Quilt

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It took me a few years to get the nerve up to make this Quilt, had 2 kits actually. One Quilt I made last year and quilted it with Come Dance with Me panto and it turned out just lovely. This last one I saved for something a bit more involved and I am tickled pink as to how my setting triangles turned out.

Hope you like

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Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. You are such an inspiration and give me that little push to go a bit further, do a bit more, try something that I think I can't do yet, and voila....if you don't try, how do you know, how do you improve, how do you get better???? So thanks again.

I did learn a lot from quilting this Quilt. Make sure your wrists are strong or wear supports, take frequent breaks, make sure you have ENOUGH Thread of the main color ( I had to finish 2 borders with a slightly lighter shade), use rulers if you know how and have them for the bigger CC's....but apart from all that? I wish I had used QD Wool batting for more definition. I thought that QD Cotton Deluxe would be enough...I will know better next time.

All in all it turned out just fine, don't know if I will list it for sale or pass it to one of my daughters.

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Well Linda, perhaps we can do a playday sometime this fall when things get quieter. I can be in Cooks Creek in about 1o hours, spend the night, have a day quilting, learning, have fun, spend another night and go home next day.....would that be something you'd consider? See if Sharon would like to come too????

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