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Sue Patten will be in North Carolina on Oct 7, 8 and 9


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Hi All,

Just wanted to let everyone that Sue Patten will be in Greensboro, NC on October 8 and 9th. She was here last year as part of the Wild Women's tour with Karen McTavish and we had a blast! This year, Sue will be solo and she has some great classes! If you are interested in classes, send me an email at joanne@yeoldeforest.com Classes are $200 for a four hour class and non-refundable unless we are on a waitlist or the class is canceled. Last year, we booked out quickly.

Friday, October 8, 2010 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon

Spines With Designs: Block Class

Based on Sue’s new Book “Adaptable Quilting Designs”

This class offers 20 new designs concepts for full size blocks or cornerstones. It includes everything from “featherish” to feather alternatives with the added touch of new spine ideas that can be added and altered to any design you have already mastered. This is a free motion class, where students will learn how to concern those every day quilts in half the time with precision and confidence and no pre marking. We will discuss tension, floating, batting and thread colour choices.

Friday, October 8, 2010 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Spines With Designs: Sashings and Borders

Based on Sue’s new Book “Adaptable Quilting Designs”

We spend so much time planning the block motifs that we often ignore the sashings altogether. This class offers you all new design concepts that may be free motion quilted quickly and easily. Designed for everyday client quilts, these concepts may be used on any style of quilt and they complement all the designs from Spines with Designs Block class. So put away your free motion fears and come join in the fun and excitement of this, wonderfully innovative spines with designs class.

Saturday, October 9, 2010 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon

Free Motion Possibilities: by Sue Patten

This fast-paced class is packed full of inspiration. Based on Sue’s book “Quilting Possibilities... Freehand Filler Patterns” students will create unique quilt designs for five everyday quilt blocks. These are quilt designs that can be free motion quilted for clients to create a full custom quilt, in no time at all. Using a three-step method, discover how quick, easy and accurate free motion quilting can be. These designs are intended to be used for the everyday client quilts we earn our living quilting. So leave those templates and marking tools behind and come experience the excitement of free motion possibilities. Books will be available for purchase at the end of class however the hand outs cover all designs mastered in class so the book does not need to be purchased by the students to take the class. If you already have the book and would like Sue to personalize it for you please feel free to bring it with you to class. This class will also have an open discussion on charging your clients for custom quilting, thread choices, and batting selection.

Saturday, October 9, 2010 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Every Little Bit Counts: by Sue Patten

Tired of the same old background stippling?? This class is packed full of new, fun and creative ideas that will wow everyone from your clients to the show judges. Students will learn a multitude of exciting alternatives to the everyday scribble stipple... which is so last decade. These innovative ideas can be used for everything from block fillers and appliqué backgrounds, to whole cloth design fillers used to compliment and enhance trapunto. This class takes the art of stippling to a whole new level! Come discover that “every little bit” really does count!!

She will also be doing a trunk show at Randolph Quilters Guild on Thursday evening on October 7th.

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