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Outside Display Quilting Frames


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Yesterday we were successful in our second "outing" of showing quilts on our new display frames at the Mt. Bachlor Quilt Guild's annual Quilt Show in Bend, Oregon. But in an ever continuous attempt to make life easier, I'm looking for other Outside Display Frames ideas, techniques, and designs and would like to share mine. I've attached a picture of the assembly at the Sisters Quilt Show in July (our initial trial).You can email me or reply in this threadgreg@lhoti.com TIA:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Linda & Cynthia. I will look into those. Our guild pres has since told me it took 3 women, 2 hours to "pre-pin" 44 quilts to both sides of 22 sheets and was an effective use of time. Sounds like clamping is not the big deal I thought it was at first. All 130 guild members were happy with the preformance of our quilt frames. They withstood 20-25 mph wind gusts quite well. I doubt they would do as well in Florida these past weeks.....pour souls.

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