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Hi everyone (again!)

I am using King Tut in the top and bottom line in the bobbin doing some curvy stencil work. When the motif is completed - the top thread is thicker in some areas and then it appears almost stretched in other areas of the stitching. It seems to be coming off of the cone normally....I have it threaded in the top hole of the first guide and in the first two holes of the "three hole" guide. Am I missing something or is this normal for this type of thread?

As always, thanks so much for your help.

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Hmmmm.........your stitch regulator (assuming you are using it) might need to be calibrated. Call Amy and she will walk you through it.

Also, for King Tut, I only use the bottom hole of the first 3 hole guide. In the guide above the tension setting, I do 2 holes like a running stitch. This works for me but might not for you. I also loosen the bobbin a bit.

Am I clear as a muddy pie??

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I am trying to envision your thread problem. If the Tut looks thick in one area and stretched (thin?) in another, it would seem that your tension is erratic--loose and then tight. Is that a good description of what it looks like? If so, take the bobbin out of the bobbin case and give the case a good cleaning--blow it out with some canned air, take out the check spring and clean it and the back side of the bobbin case, replace the check spring and then lift the tensioner finger with a plastic toothpick or a pin to see if there is a piece of lint or gunk under there. Put all back together and have a go.

That stray bit of lint under the finger will cause the thread to sporadically catch and release as you stitch, causing tension problems and/or thread breakage.

I agree with Linnea above--if the SR wheel is not seated correctly or if you are leaning on the handles as you stitch, the contact is lost and you will get some stitches not regulated--that is, longer or shorter than you want. That can also cause the funny looking thick/thin appearance.

Good luck and I hope your problem is an easy fix.

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