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APQS Service Rep coming to Hawaii!

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Aloha, APQS owners (and wannabe owners) in the Hawaiian Islands! I was there (on the Big Island) just a few months ago, and there was interest in having me return, either to the Kona Coast, or to one of the other islands, sometime in the next year.

I can come and service machines (new and old), teach a Beginner's Class, teach a machine maintenance class, teach a design/techniques class, whatever you might need, but I need to somehow cover my out-of-pocket expenses, without it costing all of you an arm and a leg!;)

Well, Hawaiian Air is having a sale on their flights - must be booked before Dec. 13 and travel completed by June 9. So I guess I need to know who is interested in what kind of services/classes, which island, and when would work for you - chime in here so that we all know what kind of time frame we're looking at. I haven't booked too many quilt shows so far for the spring, so I have some flexibility.

I will be making my go/no go decision (on this fare sale, at least) by the end of the weekend, so check your calendars, and let me know if you want me to come!!


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If I take advantage of the Hawaiian Air fare sale (which is substantial!), I will have to finish my travel before June 9, so Quilt Hawaii probably isn't in the cards for this trip. Is there a preferred time for you before then?

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Quilt Hawaii isn't until the 1st week of July, but if you ask me you really won't be missing anything if you come sooner. You (& Mike if applicable) can stay with me on the Big Island. And you WILL come here! You can go to Oahu too, I don't care, but I am also happy to have Barbara & Kaz come over to my place again if they want.

Now that you have a new machine to take care of, and a beginners class to teach, it should be an incentive. If you just want to make your reservations to Honolulu, I bet Hitomi & I will find a way to get you over here, for as long as you want to stay. Anyway, I bought a new BC & haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

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Barbara, BC is NQR - it's a "bouyancy compensator," used in scuba diving. Catherine and I went diving together when I was there in July. Guess we kinda kick-started her diving again!;)

I'm hoping that everyone from the Islands that wants/needs service will chime in here, so I can arrange a time that suits everyone's schedules best. It looks like I will be hitting Oahu and the Big Island for sure, maybe Maui if there's enough interest.:cool:

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Lisa, you're a lot closer to Dory Miller in Quincy, CA or to Betty Bird in Salt Lake City than to me. Are you having issues? Or are you just looking for winter-time company?:P

I like to drive, but Nevada might be just a little far for even me.....;)

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I'm definitely coming to the islands in May! Booked my tickets to Kona last night and will book a flight from Kona to Oahu and back once I know how many days I will need to be there. I will arrive in Kona on Thursday, May 26 and depart on Thursday, June 9, so there should be plenty of time for service and classes - and even some diving!

I'm thinking about making the Oahu portion of the trip June 3 or 4 through June 8. First come, first serve for those 4-5 days! And if you know of anyone with a spare couch in Oahu (to help me keep my out-of-pocket expenses down) I'd appreciate it greatly!

Mahalo - and see you in May!!

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  • 3 months later...

Bringing this back to the top for the Hawaiian APQS ohana.

I will be on the Big Island from May 26 to June 9 - available for machine tune-ups, wheel upgrades, Beginner classes or other training. You have to let me know what you need and when, so I can slot you into my schedule.

Right now, I have one service/wheel upgrade scheduled for Oahu (that's you, Hawaii Barb!). Is there anyone else who needs service or training on Oahu? I need to book my shuttle before I can schedule my diving on the Kona coast.....;)

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I want you to Bliss my Freedom (also give it a spa treatment)!! I know of one other APQS owner at the Quilt Hut, I will check to see if she needs servicing. I know there are more APQS owners, but am not sure who they are. Does APQS have a list? Can you let me know what charges to get blissed will be? Also, what the service cost will be, so that I can pass that info along. You can PM me or email.

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I have CL toys up the wazoo. Will getting blissed affect my ability to use my CL templates and boards? Oh, oh. Disregard the first part of my earlier post. I meant upgrading to M&M wheels, not blissed, I don't think I have enough "pennies" saved up for that.

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No worries, Barbara! I already have your M&M wheels on hand - they run $240 plus $60 for installation. The "spa treatment" is another $150. There shouldn't be any issues with your Circle Lord toys - the M&Ms actually ride a little higher than the older wheels - and I'll bring longer bolts and extra washers if we need to jack them up! You had me going with the "bliss," though.....;)

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Yes, I am interested in ALL you can teach me. I am open for whatever dates you do. I can't get my extended plate working right and never did work with rulers. And a maintenance and service would be great. You can do a class at my house and teach me my new Millie, I'll make lunch for all. Catherine, you should get the bliss on your machine too. Maybe she can install them for you. It makes quilting so much easier.

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Hitomi, I would be glad to do your Beginner's Class while I'm in Kona, and while I'm there, I'll give your machine a once-over, but it's so new, I'm sure it doesn't need any maintenance, other than what you do on a regular basis. I can also help you with your extended base and give you a hands-on lesson in using rulers and templates. All that can be rolled into your FREE Beginner's Class.

I can help you learn how to use the Hartley Fence - I just mounted one on my own Millie recently and have been learning lots! I've never used a Circle Lord, but if you get one, I'll study up and we can learn together! Again, no charge - well, maybe lunch... :P

If you and Catherine would like to gather a group of longarm quilters (they don't have to have an APQS machine), I can do a design and techniques class for you - lots of tips and tricks, some new designs, lots of fun. Doesn't matter to me where we hold the class, as long as there's a machine to play on.

I'm looking forward to my return visit to the Kona Coast - and to Oahu, as well!


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