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Why didn't I say NO!?!? Finished with pics

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A local lady called me earlier this week, in a panic because she couldn't find anyone who would quilt her quilt - a Christmas present, of course. That should have been the first hint. Since my quilting business has been a little slow (it helps when you promote it, but that's another story....), I said to bring it over and I'd take a look - no promises. She said she'd be right over - that should have been the second hint....

Anyway, the quilt she brought is on my machine right now - I've finally finished outlining the pieces in the center of the quilt. Sounds easy, huh? But wait'll you get a look at the quilt top.....


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The quilt is backed, batted and bound already, with SID along the outer border, which is black satin. The gold strips have been sewn to the center ovals. Everything else is pinned to the top. Was I crazy? Yes, of course, I was!! But I've learned all sorts of new things about my Millie and myself: 1.) I CAN sew over pins, especially going veeerrry slowly 2.) I can use my pointer fingernail as a stylus to tuck pieces under the hopping foot, even while stitching - again, only when going veerry slowly. 3.) My Millie CAN sew through a huge stack of fabric without any problem, except for getting the corners of those &*%#** diamonds under the hopping foot!

So, a learning experience - and $150 towards Christmas that wasn't expected, all in two days' time.:P

Plus, I could go to the Blood Bank and give blood without them having to stick me - just hold my fingers over the bag.... These are the pins removed from the center of this quilt........


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And, while I was working on this quilt, I got a call from my local hospital contact - she needs a comfort quilt for an 18-year-old who has just been diagnosed with cancer. He wants words written on his quilt - "cancer," "pain," "crying," "divorced family," but also "hearts," "penguins," "win state championship," and "new family." How do you say no to that kind of request?:o

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Myrna, I may take you up on that offer of wine - just not tonight, as I am still working on the "quilt from H_LL." I suspect that wine would make me feel better, but not necessarily quilt better!;) I have to put loopy designs in each of the 64 ovals, then a loopy border treatment in the black satin. This will never be a pretty quilt - too hard to get a nice even edge stitch when you're having to work around pins and hold the pieces down with one hand - but it will be a FINISHED quilt!

And thank you for your prayers for Christopher - I don't know him personally, but like you, my heart bleeds for what he must be going through. I doubt his quilt will be done before Christmas - too many service and training trips in the next two weeks - but it will be done soon after.

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