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Without going into a lot of detail... I just gotta say...

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I don't post a lot on the forum but I read it everyday - most of the time more than once! I, too, purchased my Millie because of this forum and it was truly the first forum I"d ever joined on the net. The caring, friendly people here are so genuine and appreciated. You encourage, you help others, you share - exactly what families do. We are family here and I'm proud to call you my friends. Thanks for everything y'all!!

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I also just pop in here once in a while but read a lot more.

This forum was a deciding factor for me in buying my Millie. What also really impressed me was that any with any brand of machine could post a question and get help. If that doesn't speak multitudes about this forum I don't know what does.

While we all have a few minor disagreements from time to time, this forum is very rare in that rarely are there any p*ssing matches like I see in other forums. I also don't see "my machine is superior to your machine" junk.

I wish we could all meet face to face, as you are all wonderful people and I would like to get to know you all better. Maybe APQS should host a conference? How much fun would that be?

Shanna, your news sounds very exciting! I cannot wait to hear it.

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I've hung around here for a while now, but just recently started posting - at least on a semi-regular basis, and I do have to say it's one of the best groups I've been involved in. I feel more welcomed here than I have at our local quilt guild! I also feel like I know many of you (that's what comes from lurking!) better than I know many of my neighbors. It's a good feeling, and I too thank you for all the help and support you give.

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This forum is the absolute best. I have learned so much. Everyone is so willing and open and giving and sharing with their knowledge, both about the machines and quilting techniques. You should see how full my "favorites" is with this knowledge!

And I haven't even mentioned all the personal caring about each other! I love it here. Thanks and love to all of you!

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I, for one, would not be the longarmer I am today if it wasn't for everyone on this forum helping me. The best thing I ever did, was take a class from DeLoa Jones who introduced me to the machine and this wonderful forum. I feel blessed to be part of the most generous, kind, amazing and caring people...BAR NONE!

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I so appreciate the friends on this forum... Have learned muches.. prayed for many, cried for many, laughed with joy for many, and if not said before, thank everyone on this forum for information. Even questions asked by others, help many, as they had just not asked the question yet..

God Bless and care for you all...

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Well there certainly isn't much I can add. I too made the decision to go with APQS because of the forum. It let me know that this company had to be the best if all these wonderful people were here to encourage, support and listen to any problem, whether with life or our machine.

I don't get to stop by and post as much as I used to and some days don't even get to read, but you are all on my mind.

thank you for everything. Especially for being the best family a person could have. You all mean a lot to me.

And as soon as I figure out how to get a picture here from my new puter and camera I have one for you all to give me ideas on.

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Like everyone else has said this forum is the best and everyone on it is so helpful, kind and generous. Quilters are truely the best of the best there is. And Shana, can't wait to hear your news, must be something great for you to want to share all the warm fuzzies with all of us. Can you let us know when you will let the cat out of the bag? ;)

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