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Heavier Fabric top for bedspead

Farmland Quilter

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She wants this quilted with Chevron Feather by Jodi B from bottom to top. I figure I should have a feather plume right in the center and then go equally out the sides. I have the back loaded and was going to float it. By basting the edge to the back and then the top & bottom as I go.

Would it be good or even to work by quilting the plume in the center first. then go backward plume at a time to the beginning edge on the take up roller and then advance and work toward the final edge???? I can't remember but I think this is older fabric she got somewhere maybe a family member. I want it to look special even if the fabric isn't.

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I wouldn't personally attempt a pantograph quilt starting in the centre. I would start at the bottom right, work my way up to the top left, as I would any other pantograph, as that is how they are designed to be used, I would however line the sides of the pantograph pattern, up to how I think the pattern placed best over the quilt though.

Just my opinion. :) and if I understood your question right.

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