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NQR PRAYERS please for our grandson UPDATE #3

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UPDATE #3 The surgery took 8+ hours. The surgeon(s removed both the middle and lower lobes of the right lung and lymph nodes, which were sent for biopsy and that will take about a week. At that time the dr. will know if the tumor is typical or atypical, however she thinks it is typical. They cut out (and then later replaced) a 4" section of a rib to remove the portions of the lung. The drs. said it was better than the other option which would have meant a longer incision and spreading the ribs. He is being kept sedated and will be in ICU at least for tonight. My DH talked with Zack for a half a minute. Zack was groggy and won't remember, but at least he's been heard mumbling! He is going to be sore and has a lot of healing ahead of him, but he is young, strong and healthy and will be just fine!

I slept good last night (prayed for Zack each time I woke up), and today I've been quilting. Yesterday I figured today would be a lost day, but it has been a good day. God is good! Thanks for your care, concern and continued prayers!

UPDATE #2 Well, not really an update, really a reminder, and if you are a grandmother you know you'd remind people that your grandkids need prayer. :) I just talked with Zack and he is being so upbeat and positive, but this grandmother is shedding a few tears that he has to go through this. :mad: The surgery is scheduled for 7:30 AM Eastern time, Monday morning, and we know he will be in ICU tomorrow night. I know that he will be fine and everything will go according to plan, and I have comfort in knowing he is in your prayers.

UPDATE #1 Testing is complete and the radioactive isotopes attached themselves to the tumor, which is good news and means it is what was expected, and also there is no sign of cancer in any other areas! The tumor is larger than expected, the size of a plum and the dr. said it has been there 6 - 7 years. A surgical pulmonary specialist from Georgetown will be doing the surgery on Monday morning, with surgery taking up to 7 hours. She will remove the middle lobe of Zack's right lung and some to all of the lower lobe, attaching any of the lower lobe that can be saved to the upper lobe. He will be hospitalized 3 - 7 days and out of school 2 - 4 weeks. Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated and I apppreciate so much the prayers and well wishes that you have offered on our behalf.

Our grandson, Zack, is 15 years old and lives in Maryland so he is 1200 miles away from us. He will be injected with radioactive isotopes on Monday, then after 6 hours have a test. He will return to the dr. on Tuesday for a follow up test and has an appointment with a surgeon from Georgetown. Wednesday he sees an oncologist at Children's hospital. Thursday he is going to a baseball game, school on Friday. He will be having surgery on April 4 or 5 to remove what the drs. say is a carcenoid tumor in and outside of the bronchial tube in the right lung. Apparently extremely rare. The isotopes are specific to the type of tumor suspected. It may be benign and the dr. said in 85% of cases it is 'typical' and once removed that's all there is. 15% of the time it can reoccur. Dr. also says he will be able to play sports, so that's good and was Zack's main concern. Apparently the body compensates and the right lung will get stronger after the procedure. Best case they remove the tumor from the bronchial tube and sew it together. Worst case they remove two lobes of the lung. He will be in the hospital 4 - 5 days. We're all pretty upset and just asking for prayers for him. Thanks so much!

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Guest Linda S

Oh Carmen, that is so scary, I'm sure. Both for Zack and for his family. I will join in adding my prayers to the others. I hope that it will be benign, they get it all, and he goes on to lead a healthy and very happy life with all of you.

God bless.

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Carment I'm saying lots of prayers for Zack. I'm sure his lungs are healthy which will help a lot! I've had over 13 collapsed lungs and it is amazing how well I can breath even when one lung is partially collapsed. I'll pray that he has the least invasive procedure possible and that he heals quickly! It sounds like he is a typical 15 year old. My son would have said the same thing. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) for you all.

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Carmen, I think you and the family also need prayers.. Zack must be awfully afraid of the possibilities he is facing.. I"ll of course pray for the rest to get rest and peace of mind, for Zack to sail right thru the proceedures.. God Bless all and


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