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NQR - Haylee will have a baby sister on Monday

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Hey APQS aunties, and you know who you are. Jen will have baby #2 on Monday....if not before. I do not know the name, only that she is a girl. From what the doctor says, this one will be in the 8 pound range, Jen needs to be sedated. How crazy is that, I had 2 that were over 8 pounds and I am sane...most of the time ;) I keep telling her 8 pounds is nothing....she is not buying it. I will keep you posted.

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What fun news, and exciting to look forward too. I hope everything goes well and as easy as possible. Eight pounders can be done--my first was 7-4, the next 4 were 8 and ounces over. The first came fast enough that no meds were used. Therefore the next ones didn't get meds either. Jen will do great.

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I am praying for an easy deliver of a beautiful sweet baby--with as little anxiety for grandma as possible.

Is Haylee prepped and ready to be a big sister? How much she can teach the little sis--especially how to wind papa around her finger!!

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