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Local guild show awards ???

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After reading Kim's post about not getting credit for quilting the 1st place winning quilt of the professionally quilted catagory.... I have some questions.

I would like to take a kind of poll:

How many guild members to you have?

Approx. how many quilts total are at your local guild show?

How many awards / ribbons do you hand out?

What are the catagories??

Who are the judges?

Our show is in a few weeks and all ready set in place but:

we have just over 100 members

hang about 200 quilts (plus lots of little stuff)

Give 3 Ribbons - Viewer's choice, Vendor's choice and new this year we are going to give an Appraiser's choice

have no judges

Thank in advance for all of your help!

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We're pretty much the same as your guild as far as size and number of quilts. All the ribbons are by ballot with no judge. We have baby, wall, and bed catagories, plus viewers' choice. It's pretty much a popularity contest and has little to do with the construction, complexity, or originality of the quilt.

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200 members.

300 quilts.

No categories, but a few groups of challenge quilts.

Two ribbons--one viewer's choice for each day of the show.

I like the idea of a Vendor's choice ribbon.

We have a featured quilter every show--chosen by nomination at a meeting and voted upon later. This year (October) our featured quilter is.....the quilting!

We will have on-going demos of hand quilting, DSM quilting, and mid/long arm quilting.

I am so proud to belong to a group which recognizes that quilting is one side of the triad of fabric/piecing/quilting--- and a very important side.

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We have about 78 members. Our show was in Feb. 2011( every 3 years)

We had 251 quilts (about 25 were not judged) our biggest show!!!!!

We pay a certified judge and First, Second, and Third ribbons are given in each category as listed below.

Then additional ribbons are:

Best of Show, Judges's Choice, Best Hand Quilting, Best Machine Quilting, Artistic Merit, Mayor's Choice, Guild President's Choice, Best Use of Color and Viewer' Choice (this one is awarded the end of the second day about an hour before the show closes)

2011 AIQ Show Categories

Hand Quilted – Pieced or Appliquéd.

Large Pieced – Machine Quilted - More than 50% pieced; total of all sides greater than 288”,

may contain some hand quilting, non-commercially quilted.

Mid Pieced – Machine Quilted - More than 50% pieced; total of all sides 180-287”, may contain

some hand quilting, non-commercially quilted.

Small Pieced – Machine quilted - More than 50% pieced; total of all sides less than 180”, not

commercially quilted.

Miniature – pieced and/or appliquéd. Category not determined by size alone. Must be a

small version of a full-sized quilt or wall hanging. Maximum block size is 5” and the longest

side of the quilt must be no more than 30”.

Large Appliqué’ – More than 50% appliqué’ – total of all sides greater than 180.

Small Appliqué’ – More than 50% appliqué’ – total of all sides 180” or less.

Mixed Techniques – Whole cloth, yo-yo, embroidered and/or heavily embellished, crazy quilt,

cathedral window, other special techniques. Any size except miniature.

Art – Any quilt that extends beyond traditional disciplines and exercised progressive independence

and originality in its theory, design, color, and/or techniques. The decision to enter

this category is left to the discretion of the entrant.

Quilts for Children – Any size, any technique. Each Quilt is given a Youth Quilter Ribbon, no placements and are not judged.

Young Quilt makers’ Quilts – all quilts made by quilters under the age of 18 or students in

grade 12 or under. Entire quilts must be pieced, quilted or tied by the Young Quilt maker.

Young Quilt makers are not limited to this category. The age of the quilter is required.

Collaborative – 3 or more quilters.

Large Pieced Duet – Made and quilted by two people- More than 50% pieced; total of all

sides greater than 288”.

Mid Pieced Duet – Made and quilted by two people - More than 50% pieced; total of all sides


Small Pieced Duet – Made and quilted by two people (More than 50% pieced; total of all

sides less than 180”.

Holiday – Christmas. Halloween, Easter, etc. (Any size, any technique).

Miscellaneous - Clothing, Table Runners, Placemats, Purses, Dolls, etc..

Challenge – Flamingo Self Portrait.

Non-judged – Quilts which are not to be judged.

We had a great time!!!!!

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650 Guild members

annual show at local convention facility...our biggest fundraiser

approx. 300 quilts annually plus small exhibits, President's challenge, kid's row

Any given year approx. 200+ of those are judged in advance of the show by 2 NQA certified judges, balance choose to enter as non-judged

lots of categories with ribbons from judges plus special ribbons for use of color, exemplary hand quilting, machine quilting by professional and non professional, also special ribbons for piecing, applique, and six viewers choice ribbons awarded

My favorite weekend of the year!

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This year's show is Oct 8-9 Shelburne, VT, see details here: cvqgvt.org/2011QuiltShow.html

I'm the new Registrar this year. All forms & details are posted on the web.

~200 members

~110 entries

no monetary awards.

3 AQS certified judges, 6 Traditional categories (theme, miniature, small, med, large, first quilt) and 4 non-Traditional (innovative, crazy quilt, garments, other).

Judged Awards: per category 1st/2nd/3rd possible based on points, plus Best in Show, Best in Category, Best Hand Quilting, Best Machine Quilting (one for LA, one for DSM).

Other awards: Viewer's choice. Each judge and each vendor gives an award. Invited VIPs also select their favorite for an award.

Each entry is hung with a card describing Who Made It, Who Quilted It and, if applicable, what was design source.

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We have about 35 guild members and each year we hang about 150-200 quilts (not all from guild members, anyone can enter). Our show is entirely viewer's choice and the categories are as follows:

Large pieced

Large applique

Medium pieced

Medium applique

Small pieced

Small applique


Miscellaneous (includes clothing & home dec stuff)

We do list our size restrictions for the different categories (Youth is under 18)

I can send you an application form if you are interested in seeing one.

We also include a card with each entry listing who made it, who quilted it, etc.

Here is our website if you want so see photos from previous shows: http://slingerquiltshow.blogspot.com/

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Wow! Lots of great info. here! Yes - Colleen if you could send me an application form, that would be great!

Our show is Bi-annual and it works well with the New Ulm guild having their show on the even years.

We used to break the quilts into different sizes, but for some reason no longer do.

Sheryl - here is a link to our home page...


Thank-you everyone for your responses - love to pick the brains of so many people!

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I like the idea of doing the viewers choice at the show. We never tally them up until after the show and don't announce it until the next months guild meeting. I think that is way to long of a wait.

Everybody coming to the show keeps asking: "how will we find out who won??

The Vendor's choice we announce and pin the ribbon on Sunday afternoon. Should be the same with the others too I think.

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We just held our show on Mar. 18, 19 and 20. This year we had almost 800 guests go through our show. The votes are counted each night so they are known fairly quickly. We invited people to go to our page on Facebook to see the winners. They were all posted the day after the show closed.

You are welcome to stop by and view them too, just enter Peninsula Quilt Guild in the search window on Facebook.com and they are all there.

Our ribbons will be given out to the recipients at our next guild meeting next week.

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We tally up all of the viewers choice votes and announce them in the last half-hour of the show (no votes are taken after a certain time). We have found that we have to have guild members count votes thoughout the day (about once an hour) otherwise, it is too much to tally at the end. We get about 500-600 people coming through our show. We post the winners on our website usually by the next day.

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I think some shows don't list the quilter's name on the artist statement.

So I would suggest the form that goes along with each quilt have something like:

Pieced by:-----------

Quilted by:--------------

Then that makes sure the quilter is credited.

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I agree I would love to see more quilters recognized...our LQG does ask for that info when we have our local shows, but our ribbons are mostly given by viewers votes so it does become a popularity contest....I say if you want to be recognized for the quilting and piecing - enter bigger shows. But it is alot of fun to see what everyone has been working on and we do have some great talent here!

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How many guild members to you have? About 32.

Approx. how many quilts total are at your local guild show? 250 or so but the show is oppen to non residents of our area..

How many awards / ribbons do you hand out? 4 in each category, which equals about 50 or so.

What are the catagories?? Pieced, sm. med large, appliqued sm, med., large, mixed media, sm, med large, Machine quilted, Hand quilted, Best of Category, Viewers Choice, Judges choice, and machine or had stitched all the categories.

Who are the judges? No idea who the judge will be for this year.

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more info. - great!! I actually make the Ribbons we hand out, so not sure I would want to make over 50! I use scraps left from the show quilt so that it kind goes with that years quilt. Last time I put a show pin right in the center and it looked great.... this year the pins are coming until the 8th. Crunch time! :o

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We list the Piecer and Quilter on our forms. We also make up a book with each quilt listed the piecer and quilter and the description from their entry forms. This is our second year doing the books and they have become very popular. We give them to all who want them until we run out.

Our show is completely free to attend. We feel it is our gift to the community. We do sell tickets for our "Prize Quilt". We start selling in the summer at the local Saturday Market. Usually we have about half of the 3000 tickets left to sell at the quilt show. This year we sold out of tickets by noon on Saturday with the drawing on Sunday afternoon. All of the proceeds from the ticket sales go to local charities.

We are pretty proud that a little guild in a little rural area can put on such a great show each year.

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Lynda - That is great for only 60 members!

We charge and I think it went up to $5.00 for this year.... I wish we had a booklet to hand out about the quilts. I have saved the one from the MN show with my info. in from the 2 quilts I sent. Nice to have.

Our handout is just about Thanking all of the sponsors / vendors and people who donate door prizes and also list the members names.

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