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thread choice

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Hello everyone,

I have a sampler quilt of 20 blocks (all different) with three different light backgrounds and blocks made of blues, purples and bits of greens - in other words lots going on. She would like custom work done on each block and she wants to "see" the quilting. I have suggested Monopoly because I think it will show the quilting but not add to the business of the top. Am I right? or is it better to find a neutral visible thread? (of course what neutral would be for this top might be a bit of a challenge as well). I am open to all ideas about how you chose threads - thanks.

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Hi LinneaMarie, the camera is in the other car so pictures aren't an option but just think busy sampler - lots of blocks with tiny pieces. I believe she wants the quilting design to show - I agree a puffy batting would work, however I am using hers which is flat. This all boils down to the thread choice I think.

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Hi Dianne,

Monolon is a great thread, but if you have some neutral thin thread (Bottomline or So Fine) I would give those a try. Lay a length of thread along several of the lighter background colors and choose the cream/eggshell/off white/pale yellow/pale gray/light taupe/grayish-pink/beige that matches them all. I try for one shade darker if I have a choice and especially if she wants the stitching to show. This will work for any small or micro-stitching you may do on the background.

For the colors, again lay out a bunch of threads and see which one makes you smile. You may be surprised when you like the dark gold best on the blue,purple,green. Or a dark olive or sage, which will show on all the colors but not overwhelm them. Again, I try for a shade darker that the lightest colors because I feel the lighter thread draws the eye too much.

I think the background being more densely stitched is what you customer may have in mind when she says she wants the quilting to show.

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Guest Linda S

Un-spool a bunch of thread on the quilt top so you can see what it will look like. I find that a good "baby poop green" looks great on quilts that have a lot of contrast. It doesn't sound logical, but it really works.

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regarding 'busy quilting' response: that is the Superior So Fine #459, right? This is such a mystery color. It's almost like Tofu - it takes on the color (or taste) or whatever you're putting it with. Except in extreme cases of course! I find myself auditioning this thread time and time again. Sometimes it is amazing what it goes with! No harm in looking at it!

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Originally posted by newmillie2010

regarding 'busy quilting' response: that is the Superior So Fine #459, right? This is such a mystery color. It's almost like Tofu - it takes on the color (or taste) or whatever you're putting it with. Except in extreme cases of course! I find myself auditioning this thread time and time again. Sometimes it is amazing what it goes with! No harm in looking at it!

That is one of my most used colors.

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