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Something positive about Hot Flashes!?

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Well I found one good thing about my recent onset of hot flashes-I can quilt longer! See my LA is in my basement (finished) & it can get cold in the winter down there (it's winter here in Montana most of the year!) I do not like to use the heater there for many reasons-but today I was downstairs for 4+hours without being cold at all!!:D Before you think to yourselves well it spring and the weather is warmer let me tell you it is snowing AGAIN & it's 28 degress outside! So until we have a heatwave bring on the hot flashes. I'll bet they are better than the mood swings I have been lucky enough to avoid.;)

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Hot Flashes!! OMG! I have the air conditioner on in my sewing room on 67 degrees, and a Fan facing right into my face as I sew, and I still feel the hot flashes! Then I get cold, so I gotta turn the fan off, then I get hot again. I can't wait until these hot flashes passes through my life and I'm done with it. It's good not having to buy tampons and pads though. Already went through that faze, still get those darn hot flashes though. LOL! Keep quilting.

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I went through menopause when I was 40 years old (my first husband died from cancer). Doc said it was so early due to stress. I will soon be 57. That's 17 years ladies, and the hot flashes are worse now than 10 years ago. My doc says it is not unusual for them to last for life. YIKES!!!!!!!! I keep the heat set at 66 in winter and air at 69 in summer. My husband freezes but I only wear t-shirts. It is miserable.:(

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I'm 63 and still get the night sweats sometimes..........not so many hot flashes, but I am rarely cold. At quilt group, some are complaining because it is too cold while I have my little fan sitting right next to me. They crank up the therostat and I crank up my fan. :P

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I have to agree that the cold weather is a good excuse to have a hot flash...

I've been having them off and on since I was 36. The off was when I was on hormones... I went off the hormones again last fall... I'm personally dreading summer...

Just one "hot" broad, I guess!

Oh yeah, I just turned 64. Mom is 90. Am I excited or what.

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I'm right there with you! I can tell you that I will miss the ice cold concrete steps of winter!!!!! I often go out and stand on them to cool off. Hubby thinks it is so funny. He found my foot prints melted into the ice on the steps. I have never been one to get hot but I live that way now. I get at least 1 hotflash an hour. Feels like you are cooking from the inside out. I too am glad my machine is in the basement. During the night it is covers on, covers off. I so miss my estrogen supplements! Now that my lung decided to collapse again I can no longer take them so back to the hot flashes and little sleep. Men have it so easy!

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Heidi is on the right path...get the shoes off, if you are in bed..just get them toes out from under the covers. MIL told me that one, she also had them til she left us. I think my thyroid problem keeps them at bay for me, had a few and I feel for all of you!!

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I have gone throught the flames and out the other side. The only problem is that the flames changed my internal temperature gage forever. I am now a "hot Mama." I stay hot all the time. That's not good in South MS! We went to a baseball game the other night and the temp was 40 degrees. I had a very light jacket and was warm as toast. I can tell you this....my heaven will be well air conditioned!!!

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My personal summers help with the machine in the basement. Along with the oscillating fans. My neighbor laughs when he sees me run out to the mailbox during the winter months with a tank top and capris from working on the LA for the day. LOL Yep, DH has learnt to wear long sleeves and sweatpants since the temp in the house is at 65 degrees. At least Dylan our golden loves the cool temps too. Sunday was too warm for me....

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I heard a good description of them at a quilt show I was doing when a lady came up fanning herself, I asked if she was having her own personal summer, and she replied that "No, her inner child was playing with matches!!" That was a good one and kept me chuckling most of the day. ;)

I'm 63 and I too am One Hot Momma in that I hardly ever have to really bundle up. Just a light jacket for me and maybe an umbrella here in Oregon!! :cool:

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Originally posted by cblevins

I went through menopause when I was 40 years old (my first husband died from cancer). Doc said it was so early due to stress. I will soon be 57. That's 17 years ladies, and the hot flashes are worse now than 10 years ago. My doc says it is not unusual for them to last for life. YIKES!!!!!!!! I keep the heat set at 66 in winter and air at 69 in summer. My husband freezes but I only wear t-shirts. It is miserable.:(

OMG Cheri....you just made my day!

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Originally posted by Janette

Something for me to look forward to then ....... maybe me and DH will finally be able to agree on the thermostat temperature (I am always so much colder than he is)

Don't bet on it. For 30 years my hubby is always hot and I was freezing! Now we are just the opposite. We laugh about it all the time.

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Ladies..I had them BAAAAAD!

My Dr. said..are you ready for the relief yet without the hormones?

He prescribed a low dose anti-depressant, and wa-la! Almost all my hotflashes are "do-able" now. With the exception if I have an alcoholic beverage..it kinda sets them off while drinking, but still not as bad.

Look it up gals. It IS worth it! I've rec'd many thanks from my friends here who have also began taking EFFEXOR XR. One pill a day.

I take mine with supper, so I can sleep completely thru the night, while the pill is working full strength!

I may get 1 or 2 "mild flashes" during the day, but that's about it!!!

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I had hot flashes which started right after the hysterectomy, and continued until this last winter. How Blessed I am to not have them another 20 years or more.

I still carry a little folding fan, about 5", two speed and runs on batteries, which last and last.. If I'm not using it, then other gals in the guild are.. lol, until I need it.

Guess I best trust more and leave the danged fan at home.. ROFL.. for $5. they can buy their own, at Walmart.

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Originally posted by hmerrill

Originally posted by Janette

Something for me to look forward to then ....... maybe me and DH will finally be able to agree on the thermostat temperature (I am always so much colder than he is)

Don't bet on it. For 30 years my hubby is always hot and I was freezing! Now we are just the opposite. We laugh about it all the time.


this has happened to me & my dh, too. we howl about it all the time. it's like a complete reversal! glad to know its not just us.


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