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frogging - on or off the machine?

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Guest Linda S

If you need to frog all you have done so far, leave it on the machine, roll it so you can lift the batting and the top, and frog between the batting and the backing with an eyebrow trimmer. It's like "skinning" your quilt. Those eyebrow trimmers are awesome.

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I feel for you Beth. I just took a DWR off the frame today and I spent quite a bit of time taking several blocks out. I CC's the arcs but could not find the right design for the large open space. Finally decided on something and finished it. I did all the frogging on the frame. Soooooo glad it is off the frame.

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When we have a lot of frogging to do we take it off the machine. That is when I love the zippers the most.. I just machine baste the backing to the leader and the leader zips right onto the frame. Easy off and easy back on.

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I think that I'll be e-mailing the customer and asking if she wants to do it, or if she'd like to pay me to do it. I just counted up 42 arcs that need to be freed of the feathers that I put in there. I'm thinking that I'll offer to split the cost for frogging with her since I'm the one that persisted on in the quilting even though I really didn't like it. I can't skin it because I've already quilted in between the arcs and I love how that turned out.

Figuring that it takes me a minimum of 30 min. to frog one arc is going to be about 21 hours of frogging to do the whole thing. I figure if I split the cost with her, then I'm only charging for her 10.5. Does $10 per hour for frogging sound unreasonable?

Thanks much.

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It must be the weekend for frogging...LOL. I've had my son's quilt on the frame since Monday and finally got it done yesterday. The first time,I took it off the frame and it took me five hours to frog, the second time I left it on the frame and frogged from the top of the quilt....really slow, the third time I frogged from the take up roller and that was much faster and easier and last time I did just a little bit with it on the frame but from the front, in between the rollers. So...guess I'm an expert frogger now.

Needless to say, I have learned a lot of lessons on this quilt, lessons that will definitely stay with me for a very very long time...lol.

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I've now sent an e-mail to the customer telling her that I can frog the arcs for a fee, or she can do it herself. I suggested that I would split the cost of the frogging time since I was attempting to do what she had asked for, but kept at it even though I kept telling myself it would get better. It didn't. Should have listened to FFQ-LAR about when to stop.

I can't skin it because I've already quilted in between the arcs, so it's going to have to be a seam ripper and a lot of time.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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The frogs are multiplying! I spent about 16 hours frogging a quilt off the frame, geeeez they don't pay us enough for this work, lol.

This particular quilt had the label already on it with the name "My Migraine Quilt" I should have known it was jinxed from the start. The quilt was 96x109 and took forever.

Can you explain the eye brush tool and how you use it?

Florida Missy

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