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Design help needed for Basket Quilt

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cc - Continuous Curve? tt - could someone tell me what that is please? (probably something really obvious, but I just can't think what it could be:)). What about, Line Dancing around inside the large coloured triangles, the type with a swirl in each line making a bit of a design on each triangle, don't know if that's a good description. Great quilt though. Good luck with the quilting.

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You could do a feather in each triangle, it would take you longer but that would look nice.... or treat each triangle as a block and quilt a loopy feather. You could take a photo of the quilt, print it out ( I usually print an 8 x 10 ) and draw in the triangles and see what design you like best. How big are the triangles???? or block???

What are you using for a quilt design in the basket block??

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Thanks for all the suggestions.

The basket block-I'm thinking of curved cross hatching the basket (because I just bought rulers and am anxious to try them), a flower in the space under the handle, cc the triangles and meander the remaining space. The basket blocks are 10 " square, the sashing 5" wide. (No wonder I'm having a problem with the scale!)


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