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NQR prayers please - update page 2

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Virginia, his name is Darwin.

DH got to see him today. Says he looks awful but better than he'd imagined. Found out that BIL has the respirator because during the surgery he had another seizure and bit his tongue at that time causing the blood to go into his lungs. He ended up getting 4 pints of blood. Dr's say he would have bled to death if he hadn't been in the hospital when that happened. They have brought him out of the coma only to put him back in. His tongue is so swollen that he needs the respirator to breath and they are afraid if they take it out the tongue will block the air way. Problem is that every time they bring him out of the coma he tries to yank the dang tube out of his throat. Soooo, he has restraints on his wrist and is being left in the drug induced coma for now. But prognosis feels better at this time. Thank you for all of your prayers

DH just called and said BIL has a neck brace (I hadn't heard that yet) and will for a few months now. He fractured his skull from the eye all the way to the back of his neck. OUCH But they may take the respirator out today. So he is doing better. Thank you for all the prayers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Darwin, my BIL, is now home from the hospital. He should have a full recovery. They did put him in a halo so that no unfortunate bumps turned into a complete fracture of his neck. His skull is fractured from the eye socket all the way back to his neck. He has to have the halo for 3 months. Now they just have to control the siezures. Thank you for all the prayers.

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Guest Linda S

Wow - what a horrible accident. I hope he makes a full recovery. I can tell you from experience that healing starts to really accelerate once you get out of the hospital!

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