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NQR - totally San Clemente, CA need living assistance

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Let me apologize in advance for this...... I hope I don't get myself in trouble........

Many of you know that I spent the month of March in stress management mode with doctors and us believing that my 18 year old son, Max, had lymphoma. A surgical biopsy revealed he did not but it still didn't tell us why he had a fist sized bulge in his neck. While at MQX last week Max had some additional testing done and it was determined that he had the "rare" version of mono. So, thankfully he's on the mend and he's been offered an internship at Powder Magazine which he will be able to do now. YAY! The only fly in the ointment is that he needs a place to live.

We are looking for a family that would be willing to rent Max a room and is within a 15 mile radius of San Clemente where he will work. The communities this encompasses are San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach and Dana Point.

Does anyone know of a nice family that would be willing to help us? Of course we will be paying for this and he will be working a LOT! Please contact me privately MQXShow@comcast.net

Many thanks for letting me intrude here for a minute,


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I am glad that Max is getting better but be aware that mono can recur from time to time. It can go dormant for months and then pop up again when the body is under stress. My daughter had it at the beginning of her college semester and although she laid low, rested, and got better, it flared up again at finals time. The doctor said that this is normal. The same thing happened to my brother.

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My sister Nell lives in Dana Point, across the highway from the ocean. She recently put her husband in a nursing home and was talking about selling her place and moving to an apartment or getting her daughter and SIL to move in with her. I have never been there but I know it is too large for 1 person. I will talk to her this weekend and see if she may be interested. I will send you an email letting you know.

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