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Oh borders, borders how do I quilt thee?

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Jess I'm with you! I keep changing what I'll do. I am 100% with Shana and I will only pick two styles to repeat. Everytime I think I find something pleasing it just doesn't seem to fit. The borders giving me the biggest problems are the three in the middle. The darker border is just distracting to me and the other two borders have basically the same coloring but completely different sizes so they read different. I better figure out something quick! I know I won't do ribbon candy because I always end up slanting them and it drives me crazy. The borders are about 3" or wider so too big for me to keep it the way I want it.

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OK I had a few minutes to draw some designs.

All those narrow borders are crazy. I would treat the two narrow inner borders as one because combined together they are similar in size to the other inner border.

SID the very narrow borders and leave those alone. And also SID the one border where the swags are offset by the swags above.

If you chose to go with a feather and swag motif, here is an option and how I might combine the two narrow borders and treat as one border. Just doodling.... :D


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Yea Heidi, what are you going to do with it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Come on, fess up.. I can't see you doing much on it before Sun., but the pleasure of looking forward to doing it is there.

So many ideas! So many are good.. Happy Stitching!!!

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Thanks Shana for the drawing. I was at a work event yesterday from 7 am until 9:30 pm and boy was I glad to have that day over. We had a congressman come and then the president of our university ended up coming at the last minute. It all turned out fine but lets just say the planners of this event should be fired! Not at all the way I would have done it and all the details left until the last minute was rediculous. Thankfully we looked good to our guests but let me tell you it was a lot of last minute prep that could have been handled well in advance. I'm just glad it is over. Today we had a board meeting so I had to be in early again. I was really tired when I came home and even tried to take a nap. I couldn't sleep but it was good just to lay down and rest.

OK onto this quilt. I really appreciate everybody's help. I think I've finally come up with a plan. I'm going to go down and get it loaded and see how my plan works out. I will be doing lots of feathers on this one. I hope it all comes together well. I'll keep you posted. This weekend is move out day for MIL! I so can't wait for Sunday!

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