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It's in the mail!!!

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Well I just sent off my quilt to MQS--so nervewracking to put it in the mail--but so fun at the same time!! It is a journal quilt that my Husband and I took to Hawaii for our 25th anniversary and we actually used it as a diary during the trip!!

Hope others will enjoy the concept!!

Just a peek at the corner quilting--I have since colored it with colored pencils...


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How I know this feeling!

I just received the great news that my quilt "ICU - Do UC Me" finally arrived at the IMQA office - after almost 3 weeks during which I didn't get any update from the tracking system and didn't know at all where is was after it had left Germany...

This is such a relief and absolutely made my day!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for everybody's quilts on their way to any show (and back of course!) to arrive in time and safe and sound - always!

Hugs to all,


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