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NQR Anybody know what happens Sunday at my house? It is officially moveout day!!!! GONE

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Yes girls it can't happen soon enough! Linda loved the U-tube, I won't miss the hard candy crumbs all over my floors either! Dory I have a fairly good idea how good it will feel but you are right the full impact won't hit me until she is gone.

So my BIL calls me and says his mother had called him back after we left. MIL has never said a word to him about living here but that all changed. She told him she couldn't wait to move and that I was a workaholic and never happy!!!! I guess when you look at it from her perspective she is always in the picture and that sure doesn't make me happy. Mind you that I'm a "workaholic" but I don't spend enough time with her. Most of the time when I'm home I'm either cooking dinner, cleaning or quilting. Whatever. I guess I shouldn't have worked so hard to get her place all set up. I'm going back over after we eat dinner. I want as much done tonight as we can possibly get done because I want her out as early as possible! Then I'm going to come home and enjoy my home again!!!!!

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Well girls it is officially MOVE OUT DAY!!!! I didn't sleep most of the night I think just out of sheer excitement! Just like a little girl on Christmas Eve. I'm up and ready to go but BIL is still in bed. I'll go over myself and start moving the rest of the stuff if I need to. I woke up with the headach I went to bed with but I'll push through. I had unpacked all of MIL's perfumes and such and boy did they give me an instant headache. There will be no excuses to delay moving day! I'll keep you posted.

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The big day is here and your load will be lifted!

I have a visual of Heidi entering her home, thankful that the Ghostbusters have removed the dreaded haunting creature. Then she throws her arms wide and twirls through her house ala Maria in Sound of Music!

(Too many movie references?? sorry....)

The sun is shining on Heidi today!!:D

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You need an airhorn to get everyone up and participating in this special day. I can't wait to hear from you after everything is in place and she is gone. Let her sons take care of the final stuff and you clear out and enjoy the quiet in your house.

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I am jumping up and down - just thrilled for you. And, let it be known that you will do errands for her once a week - so that you will not be running daily for insignificant items and be at her back and call. She needs to know that you are not at her beck and call. There are often Senior vans that will take them to and fro for medical appts. Can she ride the bus and do anything for herself? And, maybe dh or bill can take her for haircuts etc. on Sat. to give you time off. They need to be involved too - she is their mother.

Am just so happy she is out of the house!!!

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

The big day is here and your load will be lifted!

I have a visual of Heidi entering her home, thankful that the Ghostbusters have removed the dreaded haunting creature. Then she throws her arms wide and twirls through her house ala Maria in Sound of Music!

(Too many movie references?? sorry....)

The sun is shining on Heidi today!!:D

Ditto, ditto , and Ditto!

So happy for you, Heidi!!!

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Well girls the deed is done she is GONE!!!! I'm so thrilled to finally be home and it is empty! We worked our butts off all weekend, well ok more than usual, to make her new home beautiful for her. I told my husband just because she is a miserable selfish person who does nothing but think of herself doesn't mean that I have to be like that. I had to be who I am and I wanted to make her new home special for her. That is what I did. It really came together so pretty and looked so nice. She loved all the new furniture we had bought for her. It is much better than anything she has ever had and it felt good to do it. I can look myself in the eye and know that I did not let her get the better of me!!!! She was very thankful and only tried to start with me once today not long after she had gotten to her new home. I looked at her and said, "We are not going to do this today!" She shut up. Her fridge is stocked with all the things she likes and sher has a whole cabinet full of candy so she should be set. LOL she did call a little bit ago and couldn't find her night teeth! LOL In the medicine chest! I unpacked all but 3 boxes of clothes, all of which needed to be washed because they were stuffed in an old musty dresser that I finally got bleached and cleaned out. I figured if I put it away I'd be able to tell her where it was easier than her asking me where she put it, which never goes well!

Caren thanks for the song! Love that one and oh so true. I sang Celebration and Oh happy day most of the day! LOL I think I'm so exhausted tonight that it really hasn't all sunk in yet but I'm so relieved to have this phase over. Tomorrow is surely a new day and one that will start with my diet! LOL 40 pounds of stress is what I've gotten over the last year. It has to come off. Night girls thank you so much for all the support!

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Happy for you Heidi!!! You did more than what most would have done even in moving her out and making sure she was started off on the right foot. You are the bigger person (not physically speaking) in this situation and so glad your life is going to be less chaotic and stressful!

NOW when you figure out how to lose 40 pounds, will you please share it with me? I think I've gained sympathy weight for you these past 4 months!!!

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