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Moxies April 30, 2011--photos added

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What could be better than a like-minded group getting together with food, prizes, projects, and demos all in one jammed-packed day? Oh, and some fabric shopping as well?

I think the only thing to make it better would be some new and enthusiastic faces added to the group!

Welcome Karen and Cindy to the Moxies--friends of our Bonnie (lunchteacherlady). And a late welcome to Lydia, who has joined us once before (and came with moonwoman Dale) ---she has a quilt shop in Astoria!

We ate, made folded fabric hexagon pins, tried out the Bliss on my Milli, celebrated the birth of Cindy's first grandchild THIS MORNING--welcome to the world Sterling Hewitt Phelps--and had the greatest show-and-tell.

Congratulations Bev on your successful knee surgery.

So great Linda S and Ellen could make it from far far south in Oregon.

Here is an added bonus to being at a Moxie meeting--Sharon from R&S Designs--those pattern board people, brought a huge stack of pattern boards they were pulling out of excess inventory and offered at a scandalously low price--thanks Sharon!

And Al and Sheila brought a great selection of books and pantos for us to drool over and purchase.

I had a bright idea for side-lighting that I shared as well and will post on another thread later.

I took too few pictures and will post as soon as I catch my breath.

If you are close enough to join us, please do so. If you are far away, start your own "chapter"--our group is so much like family--always room for another enthusiastic moxie to join us.

Here are a few photos of the festivities--

Jim Hogan sharing a project with the gang. To his left are Cindy, Debbie, Wanda, Sharon, Lynda, Lydia, and Dale.


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More of the group--Dale in the purple sweatshirt, Bev hiding behind Linda S, Sheila in the red--a trouper to come even though recovering from shoulder-rebuilding surgery, Bonnie at the edge of the photo and newbie/wannabee Karen below Bonnie. Several others are absent--maybe getting dessert? Or trying out the machine? Dunno....


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Bonnie's pretty Stack and Whack--blocks arranged years ago by her son's geometry class at a parent's day--Bonnie had cut the fabric and the kids arranged the pieces in all the configurations until they were happy with the outcome. She recently sewed the blocks and pieced the rest. She said she was perfecting her crosshatching on this one. I'd say she is definitely a pro now!! Very pretty. Due to be delivered for graduation! It had the yummiest blue Minkee on the back.


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Thank you Linda for posting the pics. It is a good 2nd choice to being there. I have spent the last 48 hrs mostly in bed trying to beat this bug to a pulp.:( No one would have wanted me there spreading my germs.:o Glad to see all the smiling faces and once again Lynda is the most prolific and proficient quilter of the group. love the baby quilt that Ellen made, the very pretty quilt that Debbie made for her daughter, and also the stack and whack that Bonnie did. It's all good......:D Looking forward to Seaside in the summer.

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Thank you sooooo much to Linda, hostess with the mostest. Even chauffered (sp?) me to a couple quilt stores so I could help the local economy in Olympia.

Thank you to Dell too for the nifty binding technique you provided even though you couldn't come out. What a wonderful treat.

Good time, great friends and wonderful eye candy not to mention fabulous food.

Can't wait for the next one in July. Oh Wait, it's at MY house, I better start cleaning!!

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OH my I am soo sorry I missed this fun and all the eye candy. I was otherwise engaged with my beautiful daughter from Oklahoma who is here for a WIC convention. She hasn't been here for 4 years and it was so good to give her a hug and hear her laughter. I surely hope nothing comes up to keep me away from July's get together. I am having major Moxie withdrawals.

Lynda as usual your quilts take my breath away. I sure hope to grow up to be like you one of these days. The other quilts are by by you lovely ladies are wonderful too.

I am sorry to have missed pantos and R&S boards but my pocket book is probably happy I stayed home.

Pat I hope you get to feeling better quickly.

Thank you for posting the pictures Lynda and for an update on all the fun.

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Guest Linda S

We had a great time. Linda, let me know what the mailbox damages are! The adrenaline finally snapped me out of my sugar crash, and although I felt terrible for crunching it, I felt physically better really fast!

Thanks all for sharing your beautiful quilts.

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No damage to speak of, Linda!! Den went to get the mail immediately after you left and I asked how the mailbox was. He looked at me funny and said--"It seems a little loose.":P:P:P I told him what happened--I was still laughing after your announcement at the studio doorway! He will shore it up tomorrow--do not worry at all!

(Linda and Ellen had left and then here was Linda again at the doorway announcing "I knocked over your mailbox!" It struck me as funny--people had been trying to leave and then finding one more question to ask or conversation to continue so I just figured Linda had come back to continue the fun! "I put it back up but it's a little loose" I think she said. Never a dull moment at the Moxies!)

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I'm sooo jealous.. We've not many long armers here in NC. One is too busy to go to meetings, one is working and remodeling, the one closest to me isn't on this board, but wouldn't lower herself to join in on the fun.

If there are others here in NC, VA and GA, that would like to get up a group, I'm sure willing to be part of it, and as Linda N. said, I'd even start cleaning house. :(:);):D

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