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Just Sayin' Thanks!

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Today marks the one year anniversary I've officially been in quilting business. I would like to thank each and every one of you for being a part of my journey by you sharing on this forum! Without that support I know I wouldn't have the confidence and skills I've gained over the last year to step out there and offer my quilting services to the public. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your contributions of knowledge, pictures, and moral support!! This forum is just the BEST!!!:):):)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats to Cindy! :)

I whole-heartedly agree.... I personally would not have the skills, "business & customer service knowledge" or confidence I do now if it were not for the support I recieve from this forum.

In 2010, it marked "official year #3" for my quilting business and I am proud to announce that in 2010 I FINALLY made a profit! I was working so hard to keep income "up" and very closely watching to keep my expenses "down" and ... Yeah! :P It worked!

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Congrats on one year!!!

It's been 1 year and 5 months for me!!!!! Still not making a profit, but getting more and more customers. Referrals are great! I agree this forum has been super helpful. Don't know what I would have done without some of the great advice.

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Congrats Cindy!!! I am only a "personal " quilter, but need to acknowledge all the great help and ideas I get from the forum. I don't do a lot in front of a computer, but it's a measure of how helpful everyone is, that I usually make it a point of visiting, usually kind of fast , to see what's up this day...

When I'm puzzled, someone Always has a great idea, a helpful point, or a humorous way of dealing with what I'm looking at.

I'll probably never be as comfortable chatting on line as I am with a real person, but this forum comes close.

I'm in my 3 rd year, I guess I'm a little bit of a slow learner, but it is SOOO much fun here. Pat

Cindy, throw yourself a party:D

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Thanks for all the well wishes with my anniversary! Looks like it's unanimous that we all benefit from this forum. Thank you APQS for this site.

Just like Shana, I'm shooting for a profit by my 3rd year, too, OR ELSE!

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